Not much going on today. Gonna go see the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie tonight. Probably ought to get some pabst in the meantime.
More Blogs
Wednesday Dec 31, 2003
So my grrlie has been in detox since yesterday. I am trying to kick … -
Monday Dec 29, 2003
I woke up under the bridge today only to discover that it had snowed … -
Wednesday Dec 17, 2003
I am really fuckin high right now.... I think I did a bit more dru… -
Tuesday Dec 16, 2003
This rain shite fuckin sucks! And I hate the holidays. Me and my fr… -
Friday Dec 12, 2003
Sometimes it's really hard being a good bro. One of my best friends,… -
Wednesday Dec 03, 2003
Thanksgiving was pretty lame. Spent most of the day freezing my nuts… -
Wednesday Nov 26, 2003
I have been kickin it, back up in Portland on the streets again, for … -
Monday Nov 17, 2003
Just got a new West Coast Choppers shirt, a sick new pair of Independ… -
Sunday Nov 16, 2003
So I think I am probably gonna be moving to NYC in January or so. Go… -
Friday Nov 14, 2003
Well, not much new here. Went to jail the other day, coz the cops ro…
My roommate just celebrated her 21st birthday all this week so we have been drunk constantly. Ack, it might be a while before i can drink again.
Tuesday evening this week might work for me. I will check my old email for your #. I think you sent it to me a while agao, but feel free to send it again if you check your posts soon.