I have been up in Portland for almost two weeks now. Just squatting out in the bushes and spending most every waking hour completely drunk. It has been a lot of fun seeing all my old friends again, but it seems they are all strung out and it makes me sad. The night I got up here, I was with one of my skinhead friends waiting for a bus on Fifth at about midnight, and we got rolled on by a crowd of blacks. They pulled a gun on us and several knives, and probably would have shot us, were it not for the fact that a cop happened to drive past. The other night my boy Dennis (the skinhead I was with when we almost got shot,) got arrested and it was all over the news, saying it was all racially motivated. What happened is that a bunch of black gangsters jumped him on Waterfront, and another bro of ours pulled a knife to help protect Dennis. Despite the fact that it was like 20 on 2, the fact that Dennis and Bryce are both white and have shaved heads automatically puts them in the wrong and turns it into a hate crime. It's as if they are making it illegal to be white and not be ashamed of your heritage these days....

Hope your havin a good ol time!