So my grrlie has been in detox since yesterday. I am trying to kick on my own, but it's damned hard. Today is New Year's Eve, and I have a pocket full of pills. Think I am gonna pop a bunch of them and go get schwill drunk and puke on my boots. Maybe incite another riot or something. After all, street kids in Portland...
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so u up in pdx now?

hey aries gotta stick together!!!!!

I woke up under the bridge today only to discover that it had snowed a hell of a lot last night while I was sleeping. I fuckin hate the snow... My Doc's are all tore back and leak like a son of a biatch, so my feet are constantly cold and wet now. But things really aren't all that bad. I am trying to get...
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yea hollidays sucks ass!!

I am really fuckin high right now.... I think I did a bit more drugs than I should have done, but I am not dieing this time, so it's all wood. The weather is rather nice outside today. It's still cold as hell and pretty cloudy, but there have been some pretty decent patches of sunshine and it's been dry all day. Or at least...
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sounds like ur some whut happy right now- that rocks

don't ask, don't tell

This rain shite fuckin sucks! And I hate the holidays. Me and my friend Sara are gonna be heading down to Eugene to spend Christmas inside my squat down there. It's a nice abandoned church w/ electricity, running water, heat, a tv and a couple of stereos. Beats the fuck outta the bridge where we have been staying. I am thinking I am gonna boost...
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Sometimes it's really hard being a good bro. One of my best friends, Skatera, is in federal prison right now, looking at about 9 or 10 years in all. I am friends with his girl friend/mother of his child. She is really hot, and really cool, and I would love to be with her, if she wasn't my bor's old lady. I know she really...
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Girls come and go, but friends are forever...You did the right thing

Thanksgiving was pretty lame. Spent most of the day freezing my nuts off in front of Peterson's, and wasn't able to get any fuckin turkey. But at least I got a 6-pack of pints o' Pabst and a cold thanxgiving tv dinner. This weather fuckin sucks, and it's entirely to cold and wet to be sleeping under Suicide Bridge. I don't know how the fuck...
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sounds about as good as my Thanksgiving...
I hope your doing ok

I have been kickin it, back up in Portland on the streets again, for a little while now. I just hooked up with a really cool sugar-mama. Only problem is her boyfriend.... Usually I try to avoid situations like this, but this chick is fuckin rad, and she wants to spend all the money her boyfriend earned working on me. And I guess as long...
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Happy Turkey Day Dammit!

Just got a new West Coast Choppers shirt, a sick new pair of Independent cargo pants, a watch, three new tattoo machines and a Pabst can safe yesterday. And I still had plenty of cash in my pocket by the time I retired to the squat. I am gonna head down to Roseburg to hang out with my 5 year old sister for the next...
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damn whuts up balla

*missed ya* ^.^
So I think I am probably gonna be moving to NYC in January or so. Gonna go over there for a week around christmas and try to find some work, and if I am able to, I am the fuck up outta the west coast bullshite! Fuckin stoked!

whut kinda work do u do?

Well, not much new here. Went to jail the other day, coz the cops rolled up in my squat and I had a warrant out of portland. It was only a misdemeanor warrant though, so I was back on the streets in under 3 hours. Since then I have been locking the door to my squat whenever I am inside. I am really glad the...
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yea it is a bit odd here- sucks about the cops- whut to do for entertainment here????

Just got back from Portland. Went up there to see my friends and my goddaughter. It was pretty cool except some fucking piece of shite tweaker stole my cell phone from my friends house. Fuckin sux! So now I am pretty much burnt until I can buy a new phone. But at least now I have a sick new squat inside a building....

i fucking hate skandless tweakers

hope your ok 

Last night fuckin sucked. All of yesterday was all nice and sunny, so I was hoping the night would be the same. But as usual, the weather fucked me. I was sleeping in this small forest type area in south Eugene, and of course it had to start raining out of control some time in the early mornig hours. I managed to throw a tarp...
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Yeah, the rain sucks ass!

I hope your ok