Hey everyone!!! Sorry I haven't posted since my set came out...life has been crazy DX
But can you believe it..."Ranger" is almost at 1000 comments!
Seriously everyone....you made me so happy!
Even if this set doesn't go pink, I'm so glad that everyone is enjoying it

Ya know, as much as I love this set, I don't think they'll buy it.
Don't get me wrong, I FUCKING HOPE THEY DO!! Haha
But the photo quality isn't up to par with the sets they've been buying lately, so I don't know that they'll like it.
And that's my bad! My best friend shot this set, and she's never really photographed people before. Nor did we use the highest quality camera

Plus, I'm super new to this whole modeling thing. And by new I mean, that was my first time modeling. Ever haha.
But I wouldn't change a thing! We had waaaaay too much fun hanging out in the woods shooting the set. So I can't complain xD
Gonna keep practicing and keep trying. Gonna be a Suicide Girl eventually....just gotta keep at it!
...but I do hope they buy Ranger hahaha
Sorry, just had to rant.
Thanks for all the love!
You guys rock.
Keep it up xD
I have a problem.
I'm coming to the realization that I'm hopelessly addicted to buying dice.
Dude, I'm totally serious. I can't leave a game store without buying a dice set. And if I can't afford a set I at least need to buy just one from the loose bins.

This is just a portion.
And of course I have to keep a tub of them in the center-console of my truck. Just in case.
Just in case? What the hell am I preparing for? This is dumb.
Gaaaah. I need to stop.
I'm sorry, you didn't need to know any of that. I stepped on one when I was getting ready for work so it's been on my mind lol

Here, maybe this picture with cleavage will get your attention again xD
No, I'm actually pretty stoked because I got a new suit for my catwoman costume!
Fuck, it's tight. But it looks a lot better than my last one did :3
So excited for the Emerald City Comic Con so I can just wander around as Catwoman all weekend

If anyone is reading this....and if by some small miracle you're in the North West, are you going to ECCC??
I just got my hotel rooms approved through work for that weekend, so I'm getting so FUCKING STOKED!!!
(by the way, it's really nice working in a hotel because you get bitchin deals on rooms! Wheeee!)
If you find yourself there, look for Catwoman.
Wellllll, I'm sure there will be a few, but still xD
Alright I think that's all I've got for you right now.
If you haven't checked out my set yet, go do that now!!!
And/or follow me on instagram: dastardlydoona
Actually, I think I'm boring on instagram. Don't follow me.
Haha I need to work on that xD
I shall leave you with this little nugget.
One of my friends on facebook liked a post from Justin Bieber today.
My first mistake? Having that person as a friend haha
My second mistake? Being curious enough to read through the comments on that post.

Damn it. Only Justin Bieber could get 2.6 THOUSAND likes for incorrectly correcting his own grammar.

Have a good night!
Love your first set Gorgeous! well done
you are such a sexy girl!!!!