Merry Christmas!!!!! Well...almost xD
Getting pretty stoked.
I've gotta work on Christmas though, so that sucks

So, this post is gonna be pretty random. Haven't posted in a while, so there's so much to ramble about!!

Haven't been on because I've been working double in the restaurant. I'm getting switched to mornings, which is rad, but I'm still working my night shifts until they find someone to cover my spot =/
I've been sooooooo tired

But it'll be worth it in the end! Better hours, better tips, and a perfect schedule to match up with my Apprenticeship (which officially starts in January!!!!!)
Back to Christmas....
My boyfriend and I went and picked out a tree for the first time together! But we didn't really have ornaments so....

Its covered in Pokemon!!! We had so many freaking pokemon figurines that it was kinda hard to find enough room for all of them =/
Plus, Watto is our little angel on the top of the tree xD

We're both such big dorks that I think this tree really fits us <3
Any of you on Instagram...do you follow tattoofightclub?
If you do, did you see this entry for Bunny + T-Rex?

I absolutely fell in love with it.
Can't even describe why.
So I found the artist, sent her an email, and it looks like I'll eventually be flying out to Minnesota to get it tattooed on the outside of my thigh!! Wooooooo!
Just thought I'd share my future tattoo plans :3
Still working on coloring my crocodile. I've probably got two sessions left until its all done. Can't wait to get some background in there!
I am realizing more and more that I have no idea how to blog.
Everything is so random and choppy that I feel like it would be miserable to read through. Sorry about that. Maybe it'll get better. Not like anyone really reads through these right now.
Who am I even talking to? I guess if you are reading...thank you. I love you. Don't stop being so awesome.
I'm just gonna throw out pictures cuz I don't know what to say anymore =/

Shot with my good friend Carolyn recently, and I love how these came out. The make-up she did was really weird and I loved it xD
Okay yeah. Don't know what to talk about.
oh wait.
Guyz, that's so soon.
I'm really stoked to see what everyone thinks. I was getting kind of sick of it....but I waited two weeks and looked through it again, and I actually think it's pretty rad.
There's a mild Dungeons and Dragons theme goin on, so I'm hoping my fellow nerd will enjoy it :3
Woah...it's only like ten days away.
Well, provided the world doesn't end on Friday.
It better not!
I've been waiting a couple months for my set to come out...the end of the world isn't gonna stop me from going pink!!!
Alright, I must sign off. Gotta get ready to go. My best friend and I are gonna go see The Nutcracker Ballet stoned.
A D&D themed set will be in good company on this site.
That is an awesome sweater. And you are very beautiful.