So as you may or may not know...I work retail. I'm a manager, but that doesn't save me from the idiotic general public. SO today I had 2 instances that I felt really must be shared with the few of you who actually read my blogs.
First one...
A 40 somethng year old man walked up to the counter and asked a question. I couldn't quite hear it so I asked him to repeat himself. He asked again, something about new releases being $2? He wasn't speaking clearly or loud enough so one of my employees walked up to him and asked him a third time. He said, "What are you guys stupid? I said what do the signs say about new releases being $2?" My employee looked back at my confused and this time I had heard him. I said, "Sir, those signs say that we but i{hones for $200." (and stared at him with the same look he had been giving us.) HOW THE FUCK HAVE YOU MADE IT 40 YEARS WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO FUCKING READ? HOW DID YOU GET A DRIVERS LISCENSE? SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second encounter was the best.
A man in a suit walks up to the counter and one of my employees asks him if he needs help. He says, "not from you, from her" and points to me. I walk up to him and ask him what I can help him with. He says, "sorry i was trying to avoid him" and points at the employee. I ask why and he says, "well you are much prettier." GAG, but fine, okay whatever...he then asks me what kind of phone I have and I say I have an iPhone. He says, "oh good! can you tell me what this means?" and pulls out his phone to reveal a word game with a little notice saying that he has a message. I tell him just that and show him how to open the message, well there wasnt a message, which is weird, but whatever. TECHNOLOGY right? So then he does it.....he says TO ME
"iPhones must be made like women, PSYCHOTIC." I look at him dead in the eyes and call my employee over and tell him that he can help him with whatever else he needs. Apparently, this offends him and he complains to my employee how unprofessional I am and wants to speak with the manager. When my employee tells him that *GASP* I am the manager, he wants the corporate office number, which I gladly tell my employee to give to him. He gets whatever he wants and leaves.
Now I know some of you are thinking....well it wasn't THAT big a deal, or he didn't call YOU psychotic directly. And you are right, sure I could have just giggled it off and acted like he was funny, but this ain't the fucking 50s and I am not that girl. But to me insulting and generalizing a group of people to a complete stranger is uncalled for and rude. It is the same as if he just dropped a racial slur in the middle of a conversation and I was of that race. I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE IT AND I REFUSE TO. Again, some of you may say....but racial slurs and gender slurs aren't the same....and I say to you...WHY?
Have women not had to deal with similar issues as african americans for example. I mean we both STILL get paid less then white men. We both were either slaves or treated as such for some period of time in history. I know this is a giant can of worms that can't easily be seen as black or white (pardon the pun), but maybe you can see where I stand a little bit.
So he will call "corporate" and they will talk to me and I will tell them I didn't do anything unprofessional. And that will be that. And maybe that guy won't speak ill about women to a complete stranger who happens to be trying to help him next time. Or maybe not. Maybe he will continue being the chauvinist idiot he is, but I bet he thinks twice about doing it to THIS PSYCHOTIC FEMALE again.
Love you all. <3
First one...
A 40 somethng year old man walked up to the counter and asked a question. I couldn't quite hear it so I asked him to repeat himself. He asked again, something about new releases being $2? He wasn't speaking clearly or loud enough so one of my employees walked up to him and asked him a third time. He said, "What are you guys stupid? I said what do the signs say about new releases being $2?" My employee looked back at my confused and this time I had heard him. I said, "Sir, those signs say that we but i{hones for $200." (and stared at him with the same look he had been giving us.) HOW THE FUCK HAVE YOU MADE IT 40 YEARS WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO FUCKING READ? HOW DID YOU GET A DRIVERS LISCENSE? SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second encounter was the best.
A man in a suit walks up to the counter and one of my employees asks him if he needs help. He says, "not from you, from her" and points to me. I walk up to him and ask him what I can help him with. He says, "sorry i was trying to avoid him" and points at the employee. I ask why and he says, "well you are much prettier." GAG, but fine, okay whatever...he then asks me what kind of phone I have and I say I have an iPhone. He says, "oh good! can you tell me what this means?" and pulls out his phone to reveal a word game with a little notice saying that he has a message. I tell him just that and show him how to open the message, well there wasnt a message, which is weird, but whatever. TECHNOLOGY right? So then he does it.....he says TO ME
"iPhones must be made like women, PSYCHOTIC." I look at him dead in the eyes and call my employee over and tell him that he can help him with whatever else he needs. Apparently, this offends him and he complains to my employee how unprofessional I am and wants to speak with the manager. When my employee tells him that *GASP* I am the manager, he wants the corporate office number, which I gladly tell my employee to give to him. He gets whatever he wants and leaves.
Now I know some of you are thinking....well it wasn't THAT big a deal, or he didn't call YOU psychotic directly. And you are right, sure I could have just giggled it off and acted like he was funny, but this ain't the fucking 50s and I am not that girl. But to me insulting and generalizing a group of people to a complete stranger is uncalled for and rude. It is the same as if he just dropped a racial slur in the middle of a conversation and I was of that race. I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE IT AND I REFUSE TO. Again, some of you may say....but racial slurs and gender slurs aren't the same....and I say to you...WHY?
Have women not had to deal with similar issues as african americans for example. I mean we both STILL get paid less then white men. We both were either slaves or treated as such for some period of time in history. I know this is a giant can of worms that can't easily be seen as black or white (pardon the pun), but maybe you can see where I stand a little bit.
So he will call "corporate" and they will talk to me and I will tell them I didn't do anything unprofessional. And that will be that. And maybe that guy won't speak ill about women to a complete stranger who happens to be trying to help him next time. Or maybe not. Maybe he will continue being the chauvinist idiot he is, but I bet he thinks twice about doing it to THIS PSYCHOTIC FEMALE again.
Love you all. <3
people are fucktards

Holy crap I agree people are fucktards the guy in the suit us a fucked up idiot who had his tie on to tight it cut off his oxygen to his brain. You handled it right I'm in the navy in a customer service rate and people are idiots there to.