Best decision I have made in sometime...leaving Danzig Legacy show to see Doomriders again. FUCK DANZIG. yeah i said it. I have backstage access to everywhere EXCEPT DANZIG because he is too fucking rockstar to have people backstage. LATIFUCKINGDA. Whatever. Shows are awesome. I fucking missed thee oh sees because a wristband debacle, but I did see Ryan Gosling, who I reffered to as, "dude from the notebook" He looks like he is made out of stone, its really weird. I'm not really into him so it wasnt that big a deal, but I took some pictures for all the girls that love him. I'm more excited about meeting Henry Rollins. I am actually super nervous and I hope I dont just freeze and not saying anything..he is so damn smart and dreamy. Well thats all for now folks. Im going to go get drunk and listen to music. I love fests so much. If you see this lady walking around its me under there

Glad to hear your having fun!!