hey everyone!!! im in vietnam now its totally awsome, i havent metr a single person yet who isnt an artist. the residancy is pretty sweet im the only on here right now, but they have english classes twice a week, well classes on formal critical dialogue abour t art in enlgish, but since the cencorship law are sooo strict here and they pretty much artn aloud to dicouss modern art in the univesity and art institute we have provided some sort of radiacal forum for artists to express themselves, seriously apearently impresionism just hit here. somethign about htat last statemetn i find hard to believe since abstract art has been here for a while it must have soemthing to do w/ the cencorship, every work you do has to be for the love of teh working class. its almost comical. its hot as balls here, im trying ot get eveyon to go swimming once a day ( there is a pool we can brak into, NO one swims int he red river) oh except fo a nude beach filed w/ old men. but i havent been there.
i heard ms misha got in juxtapoz im so stoked for her!!! rock out!
anyway i hope all is well!!!
i heard ms misha got in juxtapoz im so stoked for her!!! rock out!
anyway i hope all is well!!!

i'll be at the hive this saturday!
Bah, i won't lose touch...i've just been hiding recently from the outside world.