the line work for my sleeve is done. i am ridiculously pleased with how it turned out. the detail is amazing, and i can't wait until it is healed so i can get it all colored in. wanna see?

the feng huang (phoenix) is at the top of the arm (i got that done a couple years ago) and then there is a chrysanthemum, a peony, and a coi, along with cherry blossoms. it is nice, the flow of lines from the phoenix is pretty much continued down into the coi. it's a very beautiful effect. i couldn't be happier with the design. its going to look dramatically different once it is colored and shaded and the mist/water is worked into the background, but i wanted to share what i was excited about.
happy st. patrick's to all my drinking pals

going to stick to jupes to avoid the mess that occurs with all the drunks on the road. just down the street, so that's perfect - i have to work the next morning so i really don't plan on having much anyhow. plus carrie, the bartender, tried out a new shot on me the other night called an irish headlock in preparation for the holiday and it was really yummy, i think i will have to have one to celebrate.

the feng huang (phoenix) is at the top of the arm (i got that done a couple years ago) and then there is a chrysanthemum, a peony, and a coi, along with cherry blossoms. it is nice, the flow of lines from the phoenix is pretty much continued down into the coi. it's a very beautiful effect. i couldn't be happier with the design. its going to look dramatically different once it is colored and shaded and the mist/water is worked into the background, but i wanted to share what i was excited about.
happy st. patrick's to all my drinking pals

going to stick to jupes to avoid the mess that occurs with all the drunks on the road. just down the street, so that's perfect - i have to work the next morning so i really don't plan on having much anyhow. plus carrie, the bartender, tried out a new shot on me the other night called an irish headlock in preparation for the holiday and it was really yummy, i think i will have to have one to celebrate.
a month and a half in and i already got a raise at work, so that's cool.
last night my boy, his kid, and my brother and i had a fun night, we got pizza then played putt-putt golf. i hadn't played in awhile. i've come to notice that no matter who you play with, the game always ends up degenerating into random goof shots and chipping it in from nutty places. so funny.
Thanks for the get wells. Your arm looks great, by the way.
that one looks really good! i rented Death at a Funeral. everyone says its hilarious!