My mom let me and my boyfriend stay in the deluxe room here as well!!!
As soon as we got here Matt couldn't wait to snuggle up and relax after our drive
I was stoked on the giant king size bed (and OH MY GOD those bars on the top are helpful... )
Matt wanted to see more cleavage
Earlier in the day we went to Jerome and it was awesome. Unfortunately since it was a Wednesday many of the shops we wanted to look in were closed so we are planning to hit it up again on the way back down to the valley. I took some fun pictures of him being goofy though
My mom bought a wii for the b&b! Since Matt and I's room is the largest, we set it up in there to all play. Neither my mom or her boyfriend had never played wii before in her life. Here they are attempting tennis, it is a riot
Here is my brother and my boyfriend hanging out watching
and my mom's dogs looked on a little scared too
Looking forward to the rest of the weekend, we have very little planned other than relaxing! Kinda perfect if ya ask me.
On another note, I want to share something with you. My very good friend Giulio Sciorio, a photographer, has been working on a project called Faces of Ecstasy. Its a large scale project where he photographs fully clothed people from the neck up - mid-orgasm. I decided to take part in the project, and while part of me is a little shy about it still, I realize the pictures will be seen by large amounts of people as it is going to be publicly displayed internationally before too long here. So if you would like to see them, go to Giulio's website giuliosciorio.com and click on "Faces of Ecstasy." (In case you can't figure it out, I have the red background)
Giulio's faces are going to also be featured in a movie! It is a documentary about masterbation called "Sticky" and here is the trailer.... I know I am curious to see it
Happy Turkey Day and I hope you all have plenty to be thankful for - I know I do
I had a great b day. Thanks for the good wishes. More when I've got my head together.
So hard to tell the difference between you and your brother. You are the one with the cleavage?