The Halloween parties were fun. Saturday started kind of crazy, I was at Thrasher's place and we had just woken up and there were sirens outside. I smelled a nasty burning smell and we went to look outside, assuming there was an accident or car fire or something. Turns out the apartments were on fire! Not his building, thank goodness, but it was still scary, we grabbed a bunch of shit and split to my house. So that was a kind of crazy way to start the day, but then it was just a fun lazy day til the Halloween parties. I am kind of pissed, I took a ton of pictures while out that night, but only a few came out, my memory card somehow corrupted my pictures. Real bummer. The few that came out I threw in my images, they are in here if you would like to peek (That folder has both this year and last year, the current ones have me as Snow White) My friend Ben was a sock monkey, which may be the funniest costume ever.
We ended up hitting 3 parties. The first one was weird, almost all the girls were wearing NOTHING, I'm serious, they must have gotten lingerie. I am all for slutty costumes, but even those were surprising for me... not that I am complaining!!! They looked hot. Can't argue with half naked hot chicks. There were some real idiots though, I was walking through the crowd and lots of people were like, "ooh, nice Snow White!" cause, ya know, the costume is pretty identifiable. This one girl sees me and goes "oh, you're Cinderella, right?" I said "no, I am Snow White" and she looks confused and goes, "man, whats that one again? Snow White...and the wolf or something?" Unreal. The second party was at my friends house and that was very fun, we all just got goofy, then we split to the last place which had a fucking maze built into their garage, it was cool. But by the third one I was totally pooped and ready to crash.
:batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak:
I was featured in another painting, I am in a series this time. I am "winter" the first picture on the right in blue

I like this one, I love the influence the colors make on the viewer from one to another.
Also I got a gift in the mail this weekend. I will give you one guess as to who got this for me

I totally love it!!!!
For some reason, this made my brother and I giggle

Good times, noodle salad

We ended up hitting 3 parties. The first one was weird, almost all the girls were wearing NOTHING, I'm serious, they must have gotten lingerie. I am all for slutty costumes, but even those were surprising for me... not that I am complaining!!! They looked hot. Can't argue with half naked hot chicks. There were some real idiots though, I was walking through the crowd and lots of people were like, "ooh, nice Snow White!" cause, ya know, the costume is pretty identifiable. This one girl sees me and goes "oh, you're Cinderella, right?" I said "no, I am Snow White" and she looks confused and goes, "man, whats that one again? Snow White...and the wolf or something?" Unreal. The second party was at my friends house and that was very fun, we all just got goofy, then we split to the last place which had a fucking maze built into their garage, it was cool. But by the third one I was totally pooped and ready to crash.

:batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak:
I was featured in another painting, I am in a series this time. I am "winter" the first picture on the right in blue

I like this one, I love the influence the colors make on the viewer from one to another.
Also I got a gift in the mail this weekend. I will give you one guess as to who got this for me

I totally love it!!!!
For some reason, this made my brother and I giggle

Good times, noodle salad
And the idea of 15 (presumably drunk and costumed) folks staggering about blind in a maze amuses me greatly. If I had a garage, I'd be all over it!