oh my god i seriously can't wait til mid september.
why don't ya go grab a bucket, wash my balls.
you survived the abortion!
since the end of arrested development i was bummed i thought another no other comedy would ever come close to entertaining me as well as it. well, it's always sunny in philadelphia does a fucking great job. there are a ton of new clips for the next season, if your at all a fan i recommend watching them, they are really short but so funny.
also, this i like
i have started going to the gym again as of last week. i had been slacking pretty much since summer school started but now that its done i am back - i need to keep this up with school starting soon! in the spirit of trying to make myself more healthy i thought, well shit better get back to taking the dog for walks so she can be healthy too (its really shitty to do this for those of you not in 100+ degree heat of phoenix) so i got up early yesterday to take the pup on a walk. everything was fine, she was stoked, then on the way back she basically collapsed into the grass in the shade. poor puppy. its too damn hot, it really sucks. i guess walking the dog will have to wait longer, not just cause i hate walking around in the heat but apparently i almost killed my pet.
i just need to win the lottery then i can go buy my dream house on the beach
what a lovely key you have, my dear
Did you get your spiffy leopard shoes yet? If so, pics when you get your camera back!
Thank you for your kind birthday greeting.
And it rules.
How are you?