Few videos if you are bored. They are from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" This show is quickly becoming one of my favorites. There quick clips, I highly recommend this program if you've never seen it. The topics really go everywhere - they hit every non PC topic out there pretty much. Whatever so I have a fucked up sense of humor. This is one of the best, from "Gun Fever"
This is a clip where half the gang gets hooked on crack, and the other half steals a bunch of money...
And finally, a quick clip of Charlie - fuck he is my very favorite!!!
Not much else going on, I am a lazy sick girl right now. But it's cool, I am on break. Gotta love it.
This is a clip where half the gang gets hooked on crack, and the other half steals a bunch of money...
And finally, a quick clip of Charlie - fuck he is my very favorite!!!
Not much else going on, I am a lazy sick girl right now. But it's cool, I am on break. Gotta love it.
I'm Superman, without the cape. I don't wear it because people would look at me funny.
In other news, where is Jupes again? I'd like to come out next week if things are happening.