Haha sweet. I'll chew the bull testicles up for you if you swallow them. Like a mama bird.
Seriously I think I'd do horribly on that show because it reminds me of middle school when kids make you stick your head out of a bus window or drink soda with mashed-up Lunchables Snack Turkey in it to prove some sort of cool point, and all that ever ends up happening is you get window bruises on your neck or you throw up in the middle of watching The Adventures of Tom and Huck during English class. I didn't like middle school very much, and I'd not care to re-live its most colorful aspects on national TV.
Seriously I think I'd do horribly on that show because it reminds me of middle school when kids make you stick your head out of a bus window or drink soda with mashed-up Lunchables Snack Turkey in it to prove some sort of cool point, and all that ever ends up happening is you get window bruises on your neck or you throw up in the middle of watching The Adventures of Tom and Huck during English class. I didn't like middle school very much, and I'd not care to re-live its most colorful aspects on national TV.