Has anyone seen this documentary on the discovery science channel about the "bog bodies". They are these utterly disgusting dead 'people' (in their state I'm forced to use that term loosely) that had been preserved at the bottom of these bogs in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK. Watching that gave me a year's worth of new material for disturbing nightmares. The appearance of their skin is somewhere in between bronze and dried leather, and their faces are smashed and contorted. I feel comfortable saying I would rather be forcibly ravished by the entire cast of The Golden Girls than touch one of these abominations with rubber gloves on.
Revel in revulsion:

Revel in revulsion:

yeah i've seen similar things about the peat bog men and women - totally fascinating. i've actually seen one of them at the Silkeborg Museum in Denmark - Tollund Man. But he is far better preserved. Close up, it looks like he's just sleeping... freaky....