Well school started again. I got better classes than I thought I would have. Im taking the graphic design portfolio review this semester. It's really going to suck, you must get an A to pass it, and you must pass it to take upper division courses. Last semester of the 32 people who took it only 10 made it... So we shall see.
Well I've movied into my totally shitty new place... and it sucks far worse than I could have imagined.

Photography class= fun.

Getting up early in the morning again=less than fun.
Eh, theres a bunch of heat here. Also eat at "The dog house" by the Nord safeway. They have kick ass hot dogs, and the guy that owns it is hella cool.
Hey, I'm glad you liked my band logos. I really liked your fan art. The cereal color test inspired one is awesome. biggrin

We play in Stockton (blackwater & caffeine den) and all around the valley, hoping to get some bay area and LA shows pretty soon.

Take it easy.
So I think I'm going insane. I've had this one nonsense lyric stuck in my head for the past 4 days now. "They call him/me daddy homunculus, 'es/I've got sixteen eyes..." thats as far as it goes, it seems to change whether it is refering to a him or weather a him is referring to himself at whim. Worst of all it is set to...
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God damnit its hot here, like 90 something and the AC has been broken for like a month. This house retains heat so bad that I never used the heater once during winter. I think the interior is nearing 80% humidty to boot. I'm going to wake up soon to discover a small weather system hovering above the microwave.

Oh and also everyone should read...
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Yeah I remember that show, and it definately was going in the right direction. But I am trying to be as realistic as possible. Really, imagine "Das Boot" in space. Gritty, grimy, cramped, and generally unpleasant.

War, even space war, is hell

what are doing this very moment?......................
Yeah, so I have ashamedly gotten hooked on the exquisitely trite "degrassi: the next generation" When that stupid show comes on I cannot seem to pull myself away.
Every time I have a cigarette its like God smiling down upon me and saying, "I don't exist."
So I'm excited. My design won the contest in my graphic arts survey class and so it will be placed on 60 or so tee shirts. It'll be super-purty, and I get a new free shirt!
that is the best image I've seen all week
Thanks for you comment on the set I shot with Jenni Rae


blackeyed SHANE HELLMUTH blackeyed
Ahh thanksfully the amoxicillin is doing what it is supposed to, and my sinus infection seems to be in remission. Looks like I'm probably still gonna be in bed another weekend though. frown