Monday Apr 19, 2010 Apr 19, 2010 0 Facebook Tweet Email I am worried about my uncle. He was rushed to the hospital this morning with a large lump on his side. It is apparently an intestinal blockage. I am geographically the closet, so I may need to drive down to Lakeland near Tampa if things go south. faefae: The hair dye thing is a myth, I can totally color my hair if I want to. At some point though, I'm sure I'm just not gonna give a shit haha Apr 20, 2010 doofenshmirtz: I always think of Baby Mama... Good luck, and get the book, or put it on your wish list for someone to give to you. Just a suggestion, but it helps a lot. Apr 20, 2010
Good luck, and get the book, or put it on your wish list for someone to give to you. Just a suggestion, but it helps a lot.