I have feral cats living under my deck... Three kittens and a mom. Beautiful, all of them. Anyone have ideas how to capture them. I want to get them cleaned up, shots, fixed and off to good homes.
Gallifrey falls, no more!
Gallifrey falls, no more!
OK. Just got on, looks like they are still working out some bugs. I am still a little lost... Will chat come back?
Heading to New York City, soon, for work. Most of the work will be done from home, but there will be some travel.
thank you bunches babe!
woo hoo! congrats and keep up the great work!
Just saw Girl With a Dragon Tattoo. Absolutely awesome.
Nothing says, "Fuck you you fucking fuck", like a T-shirt that says "Fuck you you fucking fuck".
Rooney Mara rocks.
Nothing says, "Fuck you you fucking fuck", like a T-shirt that says "Fuck you you fucking fuck".
Rooney Mara rocks.
Fuck is my favorite word. Especially when I am telling someone to fuck off. Kiss
I agree, fuck is an amazing word! Hooray for fuck!
Why is chat being such a bitch! I can't get in to save my life.

Thank you, Mr. Doofenshmirtz!
Well, next weekend is the first and probably only weekend I will be stuck here in Salem Oregon for the weekend. I usually travel home to Florida.
So... what to do???
So... what to do???
OK. I am watching Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.
This is an acid trip on acid, but funny as shit.
This is an acid trip on acid, but funny as shit.
it's a fucking great movie
<3 it
<3 it