*de-passes out*

forgot to mention,

I need some votes, do I get my nipples re-pierced on monday or just stick to doing the other ear?
yes! all of the above! piercings == good.

what should I do when I have cash again?

I'm bored.
Nipples = 8 bitches on a bitch boat

Just so you know.
The massive adventures of the 20 year old white ninjas!

climbing walls, falling off walls, dancing with transvestites and massive havoc throughout the night and into the morning

and then.... a french cafe! mwahahahaha

followed by an epic nap hopefully followed my more debauchery!.....yay

*passes out*
Ive decided that the people that I work with are odd.

I work at menards in oakdale, in the lumberyard to be specific. The atmosphere is somewhat surreal, I wrote a song about aliens eating babies while walking around the lumber rack, and had my coworkers singing it. We pass eachother on forklifts and wave akin to a miss america contestant wave with an opium...
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Heat is my only friend... be nice to the heat! surreal
How much work and money do we want to put into the robot suit?

If we make it with plastic, nylon webbing, etc. It will look infinitely better in the long run.

If we make it out of cardboard and duct tape it will be easy and stands a chance of actually getting done.
I have a question for the ladies here, when you were twelve-14 did you hit on guys that were obviously twenty or older. Today was the 3rd girl this week that looked to be about 11 or 12 that -actively- on me, WHAT THE FUCK, I dont think I look 14...just... gah...

Its even worse at the mall of america, because the tweens there wear...
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yeah that's fine with me, you have to sit in the back though

now I finally know who it is you remind me of, It's Harold tongue
GOD DAMNIT, I AM NOT FUCKING HAROLD...oh well, I guess its not so bad

despite that Christin I blame this all on you, im going to put a curse on you, just you wait

[Edited on Jun 22, 2005 8:06PM]
I have realized I love spending money waaaayyy too much and going to best buy considering that fact is BAD.

Regardless, on the positive side of that I now have a digital camera en route to me, woohoo.

-My deviant art site is still mocking me, must work on it

-Building a forge is a long frustrating process

-I sometimes value sleep more than sex...
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Totally. They don't talk about jesus from 12 to 31 because he was on a total goth trip, bumming around dive bars and indy music scenes from Carthage to Scicily.

And as to watching someone else get tattoo'd, it really doesn't do much for me. If you really want someone to hold your hand I'll go with you, or maybe I'll just talk to the counter jockey. Where are you planning to get work done?

[Edited on Jun 21, 2005 11:33AM]
Don't even try, fucker wouldnt' sit with me for the forty minutes of my last one. Dude worked fast because he was focused by being pissed as the previous customer who walked out before he could finish cuz she couldn't take the pain.
Woohoo, I suddenly exist on yet another website, mwahahaha

Frank demanded (via pie) that I post a journal entry, and far be it for me to deny such a sexy lady, besides last I saw her she let me have a little bit of her Newcastle, which to me is about the same as giving out your childs kidneys...

I was actually waiting to post...
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Good point.

Since I started leaving the camera on I've actually had to remind myself several times that while everyone on SG may not care about the current presence or absence of my pants, the folks in the house are an entirely different matter.
why not? you see rules dont matter, ANARCHY FOR ALL, that and since you made the statement I am going to make replys on BOTH journals *maniacal laugh*

.....wow I need to lay of whatever the hell it is I am doing