Have you ever realized certain abreviations of the phrase "number 1" can easily be read as "no one"
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Thursday Mar 16, 2006
haha, last SG post snap, bitches -
Thursday Jan 19, 2006
So I am in a internet cafe in Dublin, Ireland is happiness, guiness i… -
Wednesday Dec 14, 2005
fuck, my moral standing is lying down, now the only question is… -
Friday Nov 25, 2005
sometimes it just helps to play guitar naked -
Saturday Nov 12, 2005
I do believe ive gone off the deep end, weeeeee anywho, what is up… -
Friday Nov 04, 2005
christ people are boring -
Monday Oct 31, 2005
Its been a long time since I have sang for anyone, recently got into … -
Thursday Oct 27, 2005
I need a warm safe place, instead im going to sleep At least my he… -
Tuesday Oct 11, 2005
Dooblecain: i dunno i saw jesus making out with a schoolgirl all raun… -
Monday Oct 10, 2005
confused, confuzzled, i love my guitar sexy
have you seen The Royal Tenenbaums? If not, I highly reccomend it
and what do you MEAN I disappear and show up again? surely I have no idea what you're talking about. or I'm just fucking with your pretty little Harold-like head.