Wednesday Jun 22, 2005 Jun 22, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 12 of 12 COMMENTS kogii: haha - i have an orange elbow!! teehee. i was out for an hour today in a free period and have caught the sun...i love this weather!! i really hope it doesn't rain tomorrow!! actually, it might be good if it does - i might ACTUALLY get some work done! hehe. xxxxxxx Jun 23, 2005 clearbrightfire: hehe well thank you, Im very happy and trying not to think about where they come out of too much Jun 24, 2005
i was out for an hour today in a free period and have caught the sun...i love this weather!! i really hope it doesn't rain tomorrow!! actually, it might be good if it does - i might ACTUALLY get some work done! hehe.