hey every one!well,it has been a busy,busy week thats for sure!im really stuck on something,is a penguin a bird,and does it have teeth?you must take into consideration i am really a natrual blonde,and can get confused really quite easily!and talking of getting confused,i went on my space and could not understand it one bit
is that just me?but you must remember,life is a shit sandwich,and every day you take a bite!how funny is that saying,it just makes me laugh
and i am tired tonight,thats why im talking shit,but hopefully it makes an interesting read,!cant think of too much more rubbish to write,so im outta here!till next time........................................................

oh... when googe gets down ur way give him a massive hug/snog from me... ok!! look after him and get him hammered... make sure he has a good time... he's not a happy bunny but i know i can count on u to look after him for me
miss u guys
i see paul managed to get the photos sorted...
and dont you worry... when i get there its gonna be party weekend all the way
yeah i feel a little more positive now so is all good.... is amazing what a conversation can do for you...
see you soon sexy