hey hey hey!
no juicy gossip to date,just had a lazy day listening to cd;s
and oh my god i even cooked dinner,and it was ok!
no sign of food poisoning yet!really trying to start saving money for my boobjob,and getting no where!
at this rate i recon i might have to pimp myself out to get the cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
would be v.interested to hear from anyone who has had their boobies done,so i can get some info,and also any recommendations for a decent clinic would be cool!
anyway bye for now,a nicotine fix is due!!!

yeah cant wait to get out of southend... every time it feels close it seems to slip through my fingers though...
but i'm down at the end of the month... you can cheer me up then... we'll get drunk at nexus
and you know as well as i do you dont need the boobies... but if it makes you happy is all good
where's ya set? still waiting here for googe tosort something out... cant wait to apply but it's a waiting game
how ya doin?