and donz is all excited!i love christmas sooo much,eating and drinking way too much,seeing friends and family,giving out pressies!yay!it has been manic at work,today i ran sooo bloody late,but i have got 2 weeks off for christmas,so its all worth it!

we had our work party on saturday night-it was at a posh hotel,and in the bar full i posh people i shouted bollocks!at the top of voice to my work buddies,which then started a chain reaction!!!!!it was sooo funny.some random bloke at the bar even shouted bollocks back!!!!!naughty donz!!!!hehehe
so.......what is everyone up to for crimbo????
i will wish everyone a great christmas now,just incase i dont get to update for a bit(yup im getting slack i know!!!!!!!!)
big kisses!!!!!!!

Anyways, you have a happy new year and I hope to hear from you soon.
I flew home to BC for christmas to see my family! It doesnt even feel like vacation!