Emergency root canals are fuckin shitty
Leaving work early to go get one is just as shitty
Going back in to work afterwards is worse still
Although the vicodin they prescribed me isn't all that shitty
Long time no update! What else is consuming my time.... Hmm...
Exercise! I ran three miles this week (in three installments, but...), I should really get a chin up bar soon.
My full time job combined with the low cost of living out here has enabled me to get pretty ridiculous with my comic book collection. Some recent and awesome acquirements include completing Brubakers run on Daredevil and getting close to finishing his Catwoman run, some very early Paul Pope, the first few Hellboy arcs, and countless others I'm too lazy and drugged up to remember.
Other than that it's the same ole shit! Ha ha on the way to work I saw the hugest rat I've ever seen in my life. Like almost rodent of unusual size from The Princess Bride huge. Just waddlin down the side of the highway. I guess everything really is bigger in the lone star state, including the god damn rats.
Leaving work early to go get one is just as shitty
Going back in to work afterwards is worse still
Although the vicodin they prescribed me isn't all that shitty
Long time no update! What else is consuming my time.... Hmm...
Exercise! I ran three miles this week (in three installments, but...), I should really get a chin up bar soon.
My full time job combined with the low cost of living out here has enabled me to get pretty ridiculous with my comic book collection. Some recent and awesome acquirements include completing Brubakers run on Daredevil and getting close to finishing his Catwoman run, some very early Paul Pope, the first few Hellboy arcs, and countless others I'm too lazy and drugged up to remember.
Other than that it's the same ole shit! Ha ha on the way to work I saw the hugest rat I've ever seen in my life. Like almost rodent of unusual size from The Princess Bride huge. Just waddlin down the side of the highway. I guess everything really is bigger in the lone star state, including the god damn rats.
And ouch, root canals scare the fuck out of me.
Speaking of comics- did you ever pick up Y?