Still no internet for yours truly. Yeehaw! I miss how convenient having that at my house was. Bam, movie listings, bam, directions, bam, ebay, bam, random nonsense, bam, hot naked ladies. Gah. Ah loves the internet. Anyway, recent developments have shown that I'm now going to be moving to Nashville, probably sometime around December or January, because the shop I work for is relocating. Hooray for southern hospitality. Other than that there's not alot of new happenings. The library here is fucking kick ass. Holy god. That's not really anything new, though. Um... I may go see Scott McCloud tomorrow night. Hooray for comic bookery. Well I'm gonna go before my milk gets sour, but I hope you are all alive and kickin and so forth and such.
wow. nashville... at least it's not florida.. I like nashville way better. hope you'll like it too. Come December or January I'm sure the south will be a welcome change from the cold cold herel