Alright, so I have this black widow tattoo and I really want to have a web put around it but I have no personal artistic ability in the slightest! I mean, if you asked me to draw a stick figure person, I'd probably mess it up and you'd ask me why I thought a person looked like a dingo! So, I looked online for images that I liked and couldn't find anything remotely similar to the picture in my head....which brings me to:
SG Land!!!
Would all of you artistic types please take a moment to draw a web up for me? I'm probably going to attach one end of it to the tree I'm working on on my back and I'd like part of it to go around my nipple but the only other thing I can think of is the word diaphanous!
Thank you in advance for your help! If you want to email me my address is:
P.S. I'm not a fan of the totally symmetric ones!