Well I think my desire and plan to move to Portland OR is either gone or postponed. I really love my new job working with developmentally disabled adults. I think it's a life calling. In kindergarten I had an autistic friend, I believe my best friend, and legend has it my friendship helped him speak. Forboding for my present occupation perhaps.
I keep getting in...
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I keep getting in...
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Well I think my desire and plan to move to Portland OR is either gone or postponed. I really love my new job working with developmentally disabled adults. I think it's a life calling. In kindergarten I had an autistic friend, I believe my best friend, and legend has it my friendship helped him speak. Forboding for my present occupation perhaps.
I keep getting in...
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I keep getting in...
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Good for you!!!!
Good luck on a new start
Good luck on a new start

hmmm... not sure why my new blog didn't become my new one. It's confessional and I feel happy and sad.
I have to move back to the PNW. Portland OR here I come!
I'm really glad you liked my set! Thanks a lot 

hey, thanks for the comment on my set

oklahoma city
today was an incredible day for stunning beauties! Errrrrr
I seriously professed my love and passion to Nakissa! Brett got me hot! Sinnah's eyes beautiful as the Aegean. Elza is amazing. I love her delicious plump lips! Serillian looks like a dazzling turn-of-the-century painting.
I like girls.
I seriously professed my love and passion to Nakissa! Brett got me hot! Sinnah's eyes beautiful as the Aegean. Elza is amazing. I love her delicious plump lips! Serillian looks like a dazzling turn-of-the-century painting.
I like girls.
geez louise! today was an amazing day for stunning girls! errrrr
I moved to Oklahoma City in August 2006 after living in Seattle for 12 years. The second week I was here two young lads tried to murder me.
I was walking home around 2:30 a.m. from seeing a friends band and In a startling second I heard indiscernible yelling and when I turned around BOOM! the first shot rang out and I heard the bullet...
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I was walking home around 2:30 a.m. from seeing a friends band and In a startling second I heard indiscernible yelling and when I turned around BOOM! the first shot rang out and I heard the bullet...
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no love on century boulevard
Picture a bar somewhere close to the LA Airport in 2006. The smog is thick. No possibility of sunlight being refracted to paint the landscape in color. Instead it's grainy tombstone granite. There's more Carl's Jr. and Jack-in-the-Box litter than McDonald's. You're hopelessly lost in the dangerous part of any desolate city.
The lava rock moat around the building looks...
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Picture a bar somewhere close to the LA Airport in 2006. The smog is thick. No possibility of sunlight being refracted to paint the landscape in color. Instead it's grainy tombstone granite. There's more Carl's Jr. and Jack-in-the-Box litter than McDonald's. You're hopelessly lost in the dangerous part of any desolate city.
The lava rock moat around the building looks...
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oh my god! I went out wednesday night to the 20 something bar i may be working at in the evenings, and all the girls were wearing really cute flimsy and short sun dresses. i asked a girl if the crowd was a wedding party because of the dolled up girls and she said that's how girls dress in the summer. i guess the other...
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Heather is the love of my life!!
I met Heather when she was an office assistant at my first job in Seattle. She was 17, already in college, and a Norwegian Laplander who grew up in Alaska.
I was a little afraid of her because she was quiet and somewhat intimidating. Every day she looked like a completely different person too.
Creatively precise eye make...
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I met Heather when she was an office assistant at my first job in Seattle. She was 17, already in college, and a Norwegian Laplander who grew up in Alaska.
I was a little afraid of her because she was quiet and somewhat intimidating. Every day she looked like a completely different person too.
Creatively precise eye make...
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hmmm. I like Clyde, but I'm tired of my sappy photo. Oh well. Can't figure out how to replace it.