I just got hit on by a lesbian.... Is that super good or super bad?
"gotta get away sometimes".... Love this song love this group... its wednesday half way thru the grind. Be excellent out there peeps!

Heres a tip.... Next time you go camping you empty out your cooler instead of letting lunch meat decompose in the ice water for a month in the garage. The shit you find (and smell) when helping friends move.
that is a horrifying image
Can you tell that they don't want people smoking down under?
8am Sunday morning and im about to drop this motherfucker if he doesnt shut the fuck up
Is it bad that I'm trying to convert ever girl I know into a SG? Its not even just about the image either... Its about truely ecpressing ones self, not being binded by the ideology of what others expect from you. our goal in life is to achieve happiness, rich or poor, most people just want to be happy. Im most happy when I am......
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