So i sucked it up and tried to patch things with my ex anf apologise for being such an ass. we'll see how that goes. anyway, i've started another art project andit actually isn't going too bad (suprise suprise). I'm spray painting and decorating album covers and albums. anyway, i jsut wrote a whole bunch to somebody else and don't feel like updating this with all that's happened right now so later!!!!
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 26, 2006
been a while.... haven't died.... i know no one really checks this an… -
Monday Jan 16, 2006
ummm, i sit here baked in the livingroom of a cool friend of mine's u… -
Sunday Nov 06, 2005
ok... take less time... more time, what's the difference eh? so yeah,… -
Tuesday Jul 19, 2005
Ok, havent died... just lost my internet for a long time. anyway.. j… -
Wednesday Feb 16, 2005
Sorry i havent really responded to anyone latly... just been really b… -
Saturday Feb 12, 2005
HAPPY 21st TO ME!!!! YEA!!!!!! So i'm a little tipsy and have to wor… -
Wednesday Feb 02, 2005
So i sucked it up and tried to patch things with my ex anf apologise … -
Sunday Jan 23, 2005
So, i know i haven't updated recently again, but i have a good excuse… -
Wednesday Jan 19, 2005
So much for "gonna try to update more often." Sigh... oh well. jus… -
Saturday Jan 08, 2005
ok... so i'm really gonna try to update more often and write less nov…