So i'm making $10 an hour plus comission.... fucking sweet. and to make things better, the other day all i did was walk around the lobby and make balloon animals for little kids. I love me job. i just wish i got paid sooner and a larger paycheck cuz due to some fuzzy math, i overdrew my checking acount to negative $300. Major ouch. so if any of you want to purchase some movie posters or a katana or something like that, or you know a good way to make a couple hundred extra bucks let me know eh? granted i wouldn't need $ so bad if i had gotten me unemployment checks yet. But the fucking whore i once called boss lied to the unemployment office and told them that i just quit and left out the whole quit or you're fired thing. so she's keeping me from reciving unemployment money, but hopefully if i raise enough of a fuss and such i can get her canned scuz this is MAJOR no no. unlike the whole quit or your fired which i think is just against company policy, lying to unemployment is a faderal offense or something. god i want to get her fired so bad. bitch.
I will definately be calling you soon darlin!!
the herbals are gone, but i have a pretty little bag of fungi sitting next to me... it's going to be a fun night