There is curently a huge fucking spider crawling across my livingroom floor... ewww. i fucking hate spiders... but i don't hate the Venture Bros.... fucking awsome!
Anyway, i really getting sidetracked from what i really was gonna talk about. i found out today that i didn't get the cruise line job... frown frown frown

Super sucks cuz i was totally having to pysch my self up to take...
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So, today is a good day... i got fired (well, technically i quit but it was one of those either quit or your fired situations) and at first i was all pissed and hit things, but then as i saw that awful mall fade from sight in my rear view mirror... i realized that i will never again need to get up and go to...
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Once I get the job, all who wished me good luck shall receive the cookies.
hehe sounds like a good action plan biggrin
So... i finally get to keep my promise!!!!!
Today... WAS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!

So... a while back i got i a car accident with no insurance and racked up a $2500 repair bill... then i tried to commit suicide and wound up in the er with a $850 hospital bill.... so all in all.... things were going pretty shitty for me cuz all of...
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you know what man...your right...
*starts to sob
I can't believe I almost turned my back on porn!
I am sorry porn, please...remember the good times....please take me back...

Oh yeah, and its weird not many people seem to know him when I mention him. I found out about him, because my brother was chilling with him in a bar and he was cracking jokes the whole time and gave him a CD of his stuff. I listened to it, and it was hilarious.
So, i was having a good day the other day... i found this totall fucking fantastic leater jacket at the mall. It's a black motocycle jacket (like croth rocket style not harley with all the little tassels and shit) with red bands down the shoulders and arms... it's fan-fucking-tastic. It just fits me perfectly and hangs just right on me and all in all... i...
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Sorry it's been so long since i wrote in here, but i've just been depressed and busy and i didn't want to just be writing angry sad thoughts... but today i cracked...Today... is a bad day... frown

I just chose to stop visiting my best friend and ex at her work at night even though it is the only time that i can see her and...
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i think i am going to go do that right now.... sssweeeet!!! smile
Awww cheer up! kiss
Oh man, so i'm super excited again...
I just bought 2 belt buckles online...
One is totally pimpo... (i think that will be my new word... if you use it... you must quote me as souce and creator of that absolutly pimpo word!!!) ummm, anywho, one is this totally pimpo (ok, now it just sounds kinda lame) silver disk that's like 3" across and in...
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Holy shit dude!1 You're here!!!111

I was wondering what had happened to you. biggrin

I like your current picture but I think it's hiding your glass eye. tongue
haha its true
So, i'm losing my computer till sunday, BOOO!!!!!! sucks alot, but i'm gonna try to check it when i can when i visit my Ex at her work becuase she is night receptionist at a gym and has internet access and nobody comes from 1-4 am... good stuff. i'm shooting for her job right now cuz she wants to quit... would be super awsome. OH!!!...
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wtf travis, kendra is the funniest person alive smile
So, how lame is this... i just read, cover to cover, Harry Potter and the prizoner of Azkaban... in one 8 hour stretch!!!! (if there was a super geeky smiley icon... i would be inserting it here)
Anyway, other than that super coolness... i've been trying to write again, but coming up with massive writers block... i'm able to pull out like two three lines...
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i think that is the only movie with her that i haven't seen yet... have you seen foxfire???
Is that picture of you? love

Oh and do you really believe that contact with my ex is wise at this point? Because it just seems like all contact involves a lot of begging me to take him back and crying. blackeyed
So, just watched Hackers... well watching right now... i had forgotten how incredibly pimp ass this movie was... and besides... Angelina Joile... NAKED.... SOOOO HOT love love love
Yeah, i could suffer quietly with that.

Anyway, so i'm looking for a job on a cruise line... cuz that would be totally pimp ass biggrin biggrin biggrin , Not much unlike my would-be belt buckle. frown frown frown

I also finally found a digital pic...
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hehe the only damage i had was a broken corner light smile

hackers is one of my very favs... i fell in love with angeline back then smile
I DIDN'T WIN IT!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Somebody out bid me for the Hot Wheels belt buckle!!! So sad cuz it was totally PIMP ASS!!!! oh well, i guess i'll just have to get one of the other ones that's not as shiny... boo hoo hoo.

frown frown frown frown frown

If i ever found the guy that out bid me... you'de better believe i'd take him down a peg or two......
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Oh you are new. You will get many more friends. So many that you will forget all about me. wink

Sorry about the bid. *hugs* biggrin
Oh Man... just bid on the most awsome belt buckel online... it's a vintage Hot Wheels belt buckle that you could only get when you signed up for the hot wheels fan club back in 1978!!! how awsome is that! biggrin biggrin biggrin

In case you hadn't guessed, i'm super lame and collect hot wheels... i'll just go hide my head in shame now...

Sad Arrr ARRR!!! frown

By the...
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Tell me your story of heartbreak. It might help me. I think at this point anything will help me. So please share. biggrin

P.S. Do you have room for one more friend? wink
I love black & white and capturing real life..weather that be nature or a busy city street, it doesnt matter, just as long as it sparks some sort of emotion..although i'm not the best photographer in the world...yet smile
So i finally saw the Futurama epicode where Leela gets stung by the space bees and goes into the coma... god, i cried like a little bitch. I jsut got a little vaclempt (did i spell that right?) when Leela is going to take the honey so she and Fry can be together forever. God, i wish it were that simple. frown

Harr ARRR!!!

DAMN! i just...
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My magic card rules???

What you talkin' 'bout foo'??? tongue

Sorry I got back to you so late. I was away on a camping trip.

*fluffs pancakes*
oooh i would miss my doggies sooo much... do you get visitation rights at least???