Today i went a Capoeira competition in Providence, RI, It was great though i did get up at 530 to be on the road by 7 to make it there by 9am rough, but it was worth it. i didnt compete because i'm not far enough along, but capoeira is the greatest thing ever the style the grace the difficulty is glorious and the comradery is great too. if you dont know what it is, i cant just explain you gotta experience it, its the only way to understand. ive played baseball, soccer, hockey, wrestling, football, basketball, jiu-jitsu, vale tudo, and it beats them all, i love my team too such great people too. Now i didnt compete but I did play jogo de capoeira in the roda (hoda) that mean i played the game capoeira with others from different schools good times even though I have a cold.
Love ya Ass Muncher, Twat Waffle