this girl i met on like halloween, who loves me, but she is so intimadated by me, i think it's cause i am so relaxed and not up her asslike most idiot guys guys do, i DO NOT CHASE women no point, attraction is a dimmer switch for women that needs to first be turned on then slowly turned up exact opposite of men, besides I love girls chasing me, and going out of their ways for me, you know turning the tables, I can doit to any female I dont care how hott she is, or how "out of my league" she is, i have skills and ideas on meeting women that most guys never thought of guarenteed, now i know you girls who read this are gonna say "what do you think are some pimp or shit like that and then tell me im an asshole" but im not im respectful toward girls and their wishes, i just like to turn to the tables on women give them their game right back. well she really likes me which is cool and were gonna go out wed ill bet we wont cause shell chicken out but whatever, like she didnt call me and then I saw her at the bar and i didnt say anything to her, not to be rude just to see how she would react and as excepted she came up to me and said hi and was all Im sorry for not calling you which didnt bother me cause you never want to waste you life on crap like that, you know she has a career and i got one too, anyways, she was like why didnt you call me? i like you said you would and you didnt and i busted on her about that for awhile, which girls love you all know it too, i never complement girls with "you so hott, your so beautiful' guys use that shit in order to get a girl to see their nice even if they suck, so i dont i never say anything like that or even buy them beers, or offer them rides either hahahaha, nice guys never get the girl, believe me, first off most guys do dumb shit like call them right away after they got their number???? WHY? you sound like a whinny pussy, dont do that, second let them come to you, just giove off a good vibe, be able to control yourself in public, and dont stress on introducing yourself, if they shoot you down...FUCK em, but they probably wont, and will invite your chit-chat. second this one I tell all my crucial wipe every thought of kissing, sex, dating, going-out, and even MARRIAGE out of your head with them, they are your friends thats all...think of them as friends and bust on them, joke around with them dont complement, or if you do be suttle not forward, alot of girls fish for complements and i aint fueling that fire, forget it. ok theirs one group of my boys about 10 when we can get together, each one different from the other but my best friend billyboy, nicest, sweetest kid you would ever meet, right? he went to florida for springbreak DAYTONA!!! ok, I couldnt go fine no biggy, he brings our friend sean, who talks quite a big game and from what i hear cant back it up, they were down there and got NO NUMBERS NO PLAY, springbreak? that shit s no even funny, billyboy has no game, but he knows and admits, he calls me on they way home and was like i so should have brought you! i like why? he tells me sean was way too scared to go up to hott chicks and say hi, cmon dude springbreak, go up and say what up to every girl, im not special, and i'm not great, im not coincided at all, very humble and down to earth, all anyone needs is self confidence, and relaxation, thats all. and to back up my story last night i met 4 different girls, went home with one of them, nothing happened just to hang out and cuddle, and got billy a chicks phone number. its easy sometimes i got out and met noone sometimes ill come home with 3-4 numbers and such, but i only play for fun i intend to hurt noone and cause no pain, and besides It aint like i want a WIFE....later and much love
but i think I got the point. I think thats pretty fucking funny that you throw the game right back in the girls face..but if shes all shy and whatnot..why even bother?