my moms health is gettin shitty today she went to the hospital and foot is infected so she might need surgery, that sucks but shes fine, i have done a shitload of chores cleaned kitchen,my room, 7 load of laundry, and more shit later haha, i work 3 straight doubles so i am happy i have till friday off thats hotsauce, but igot no money, i love cooking but i hate never making shit for money, i should have been a lawyer raping people for money, or maybe a doctor and lie to people when they dont have health insurance, and never cure anything so i can get payed from the drug companies, or maybe become a political jerkoff and lie so much for various companies till even i dont know whats real, hate politics i despise our president, he is gonna do more hurt for us then he will ever do good, i swear to that, after her destroys our foreign relations so countries hate us even more then they ever did which is a lot hahaha we my kids will most like be incinerated while i'm in a nursing home shiting, myself.
sorry kids daddy loves ya
sorry kids daddy loves ya
We're all draining down the craphole.