Anyone in the UK after a SG hoodie? I've got a brand new size Medium zip-up one on eBay.
I'd like to post this in SGUK too but my application hasn't been accepted yet
I'd like to post this in SGUK too but my application hasn't been accepted yet

Ah Berkeley is good but bloody hard. We have a few big names here if your into the drier side of philosophy John Searle is probably the biggest. Thats not offensive about john and kerry because where you spend your money really is none of my business. I don't think I could give an objective view of their work as I only have one tattoo and although I've seen a lot on other people most of them have been one's that were done in angels. Also they are very good friends and so I'm inclined to think they're fantastic just because of that. By the way tell me if you know anyone who has a spare room for next year as I'm currently homeless although I do have two potential things going on the sinner accomodation board. Anyway I need to go and work on my rawls paper which is due in two days so we shall talk later.

p.s is it just me or does the philosophy group on SG suck rather badly?