So, I really want to be a suicide girl eventually. I know I need to lose a good bit of weight first. That picture is around 50 pounds ago, and unfortunately, most of that new weight has formed a nice big spare tire. The stretch marks kind of suck too. As soon as I am in fit enough to be comfortable with myself, I fully intend to begin my quest for suicide girl status. I need some input, though. Other than the icky stretch marks I'm trying to get rid of, I have a cornucopia of scars from head to toe. Some are self-inflicted, the rest are the result of my almost cartoonishly extreme clumsiness. So anyway, I think my scars are gorgeous, like regular chicks view makeup or jewelry, but I have yet to see a suicide girl with less-than-flawless skin. SO I was wondering what other SG people think... Body mods aside, would a canvas of scars fly with the SG fans? Would they even consider me for posting? I dunno. I'm rambling, but I would love to know if anyone else out there appreciates scars....
otherwise...there are thousands of ways to photograph a woman w/out showing her 'least favorite' features.
i love scars on my matt. he's got a variety of scars, and i love every single one! i've got quite the variety myself. it's a part of life, i'm afraid!