Welcome August 2005 This is a month of change And as you know - this is a good time for change. The summer is not just over. September the month to reorganize is just right around the corner and this is a good time as well as any to make changes in your life that will improve the overall quality of life you deserve. It is our right and our divine inheritance to be happy and live everyday in joy and peace lets just say Stress-Less It is stress that is the cause of all sickness and diseases we suffer. And drama is what keeps and maintains stress which penetrates our very heart, soul and every cell in our bodies. OH ok every here and there we get sick even if we are at peace and balanced But it is to live stress-less that should be our goal and focus. This way we can undertake the task at hand and make history and be designers of our own destiny. I am just having a great year and lots of fun, maybe to much!!!!!
So, here it is August --- the month of change and growth. In order to bring change in your life three items must be present 1) you must be very upset and not like the present situation- like say: enough is enough, 2) You must know that there is a better place, space and situation for you to be in like- know it and identify it. And 3) you must have an outline, roadmap or very specific things to do, like steps to take to get you to this new place and space
August is the time to reflect on the year so far It is not too late to complete the commitments you made to yourself at the New Years party, it is not too late to recommit and finish or start again Life is just simply based on the commitments you make and those you decide to break And as - SG members we have a commitment to change and a commitment to improve the quality of life even if it is in the most minor scale in our planet
Lets collectively try one little simple activity, such as our dependency on oil from the Middle East This must change ---- I have been spreading the fact that CITGO Gasoline is completely and totally Venezuelan Oil every gallon you buy every tank you fill with CITGO Gas effects poor children and improves their education, housing and health in our hemisphere. CITGO is the only retail Gasoline sold in the USA that is owned by Latin American investors and its profits directly benefits programs in Latin American countries specifically Venezuela. And I rather line the pockets of Latin American Investors and help poverty programs locally and in Latin America than support the Saudis and their friends.
So when ever you need to gas up the car or are with a companion that is in the same need --- Look for your nearest CITGO and Gas Up there: know you are part of positive change when you do so.. The best to you
Keep the Revolution Moving Forward, and do your part by being at peace and staying healthy Un Abrazo.. MUAH !!!!!
So, here it is August --- the month of change and growth. In order to bring change in your life three items must be present 1) you must be very upset and not like the present situation- like say: enough is enough, 2) You must know that there is a better place, space and situation for you to be in like- know it and identify it. And 3) you must have an outline, roadmap or very specific things to do, like steps to take to get you to this new place and space
August is the time to reflect on the year so far It is not too late to complete the commitments you made to yourself at the New Years party, it is not too late to recommit and finish or start again Life is just simply based on the commitments you make and those you decide to break And as - SG members we have a commitment to change and a commitment to improve the quality of life even if it is in the most minor scale in our planet
Lets collectively try one little simple activity, such as our dependency on oil from the Middle East This must change ---- I have been spreading the fact that CITGO Gasoline is completely and totally Venezuelan Oil every gallon you buy every tank you fill with CITGO Gas effects poor children and improves their education, housing and health in our hemisphere. CITGO is the only retail Gasoline sold in the USA that is owned by Latin American investors and its profits directly benefits programs in Latin American countries specifically Venezuela. And I rather line the pockets of Latin American Investors and help poverty programs locally and in Latin America than support the Saudis and their friends.
So when ever you need to gas up the car or are with a companion that is in the same need --- Look for your nearest CITGO and Gas Up there: know you are part of positive change when you do so.. The best to you
Keep the Revolution Moving Forward, and do your part by being at peace and staying healthy Un Abrazo.. MUAH !!!!!
My spiritual experience was more of a realization ... it was just about how art and life (and death) and love are all connected in this big circle and that is why I need to do some creative things with my life that I will probably not ever do. That was all kind of confused, but I'll let you know when I write my manifesto about it.
Good to see someone else who doesn't strictly hate categories of music or for that matter, strictly categorize them