I have been having a great year, lots of work, lots of traveling and lots of experiences. I have found over and over again one of the most important variables in being at peace and having tranquility in my life is to be myself. To be myself requires me to behave in the most natural and effortless manner and employ my energies in activities that I am committed to, those I love to do and where my heart and soul is self-actualized. I have strived to be me, and it is getting to a point where it is easier and just simply a natural part of my living every second of my life I can be myself and thats a very good thing.
One of the most consuming activities humans can engage in is having a relationship. It is consuming because it occupies emotional and psychological space, time and energy. I do not say consuming in a negative way although it could be one of the most dehumanizing experiences, to have a bad relationship you are stuck with and cant detach from mentally, physically or emotionally.
A relationship that enhances your life should not be experienced as consuming. In my short life I have experienced a range of relationships that have been on both sides of the spectrum from dehumanizing to passionate, loving, and supportive relationships. I have learned to seek relationships where I can be myself and if anyone has learned that at an early age be grateful. If this has not been your experience you must always seek to be yourself in relationships without trying to be someone else in thought, philosophy, belief and when expressing your best hopes and dreams. When you must make an effort to keep a relationship and behave in ways and comport that take you away from your normal, natural behavior and belief - not only are you deep down unhappy but you are lessening the power, capacity and abilities of your heart, soul and spirit. I invest so much of myself when in a relationship thus I insist the experience should support all that I am and all what I want to do, produce and accomplish in life.
Being myself is the only way to experience happiness and it is the only way I have found my calling, my path, my role and where I can make the best contribution in life and society. It has not been easy for I have invested many times in relationships and the outcomes have left me feeling degraded and a part of my soul has gone to places I never want to return.
I demand not only loyalty to the highest level, but also that no one should interfere or attempt to control what is most important to me and what defines me and what identifies me. These things are not material goods or possessions but where I dedicate my time and energy and where I express and utilize my heart and soul. This is who I am and if anyone attempts to change it without good cause or with the desire to improve it life has rewarded me with an anti-crap detector very sensitive to identify and anticipate the potential intrusion, and I put a stop to it immediately without wasting time and energy.
Get an anti-crap detector installed ASAP it will prevent the waste of time, energy, emotional and psychological investment. It will keep you on your path and keep you in a state of joy, peace and happiness through the worse of experiences. Thats what happening in my life lately and I wanted to share that.
Keep the Revolution Moving Forward
Un Abrazo
One of the most consuming activities humans can engage in is having a relationship. It is consuming because it occupies emotional and psychological space, time and energy. I do not say consuming in a negative way although it could be one of the most dehumanizing experiences, to have a bad relationship you are stuck with and cant detach from mentally, physically or emotionally.
A relationship that enhances your life should not be experienced as consuming. In my short life I have experienced a range of relationships that have been on both sides of the spectrum from dehumanizing to passionate, loving, and supportive relationships. I have learned to seek relationships where I can be myself and if anyone has learned that at an early age be grateful. If this has not been your experience you must always seek to be yourself in relationships without trying to be someone else in thought, philosophy, belief and when expressing your best hopes and dreams. When you must make an effort to keep a relationship and behave in ways and comport that take you away from your normal, natural behavior and belief - not only are you deep down unhappy but you are lessening the power, capacity and abilities of your heart, soul and spirit. I invest so much of myself when in a relationship thus I insist the experience should support all that I am and all what I want to do, produce and accomplish in life.
Being myself is the only way to experience happiness and it is the only way I have found my calling, my path, my role and where I can make the best contribution in life and society. It has not been easy for I have invested many times in relationships and the outcomes have left me feeling degraded and a part of my soul has gone to places I never want to return.
I demand not only loyalty to the highest level, but also that no one should interfere or attempt to control what is most important to me and what defines me and what identifies me. These things are not material goods or possessions but where I dedicate my time and energy and where I express and utilize my heart and soul. This is who I am and if anyone attempts to change it without good cause or with the desire to improve it life has rewarded me with an anti-crap detector very sensitive to identify and anticipate the potential intrusion, and I put a stop to it immediately without wasting time and energy.
Get an anti-crap detector installed ASAP it will prevent the waste of time, energy, emotional and psychological investment. It will keep you on your path and keep you in a state of joy, peace and happiness through the worse of experiences. Thats what happening in my life lately and I wanted to share that.
Keep the Revolution Moving Forward
Un Abrazo

Thank you so much for the lovely comment 

thank you very much for the support DON CARLOS!!!!!!!