I hope that everyone is enjoying the fall weather and if not - just wait - it will improve shortly. I have enjoyed the resent wave of excellent sets on SG, and not that the past has been any less, but really the sets have evolved in style, taste and natural beauty.
I always like to point out moments in present history that are crucial to our immediate future. I am bias to occurrences that take place in the Caribbean and lately as these relate to Cuba and Venezuela. Venezuela's population is involved in an election today, a democratic one, and the kind we impose, enforce and demand from our neighbors in the hemisphere and those countries we believe do not behave appropriately.
Believe me that today's election will influence and affect the Americas and foster a new era of self-determination within the Hemisphere that is timely and greatly needed. Without belaboring the point, I would predict that if the results today demonstrate that less than 57% of the voters are in favor of President Chavez's reforms to the constitution - there will be riots and protest and at the end it will be known that our State Department and international institutions are behind such uprisings and the USA will not recognize the election as a fair process. If Chavez secures more than 61% of the voters who are in favor of the reforms, then there still will be riots and protest but the public will know it is a minority within Venezuela that has seen its final opportunity to stop the development of 21 Century Socialism. It will be a clear indication that the people of Venezuela have spoken. Last year Chavez won his reelection with 63% of the vote, although the State Department was caught investing over 23 million tax dollars against Chavez. The global population must respect the desires of the Venezuelan people and help them assure the present US Bush administration stop interfering and sabotaging the process of participatory democracy taking place throughout Latin America.
Few of us have the energy, time and desire to be informed, gain understanding and knowledge of the history of Latin America and the decades of intervention, abuse and injustice the US government has imposed on these countries. US political leaders and heads of our international institutions have acted on the interest of corporations and not in behalf of the American people. These modern corporate pirates have disenfranchised a people in their own land in the past. Today's yes vote in approving the reforms is a vote against the pirates and for a people who desire to participate fully and engage in self-determination. Something we Americans should learn to appreciate. I enjoy these moments when history makers are born and changes toward improving quality of life in the planet occurs.
The best to you and Keep the Revolution Moving Forward. Un Abrazo
I always like to point out moments in present history that are crucial to our immediate future. I am bias to occurrences that take place in the Caribbean and lately as these relate to Cuba and Venezuela. Venezuela's population is involved in an election today, a democratic one, and the kind we impose, enforce and demand from our neighbors in the hemisphere and those countries we believe do not behave appropriately.
Believe me that today's election will influence and affect the Americas and foster a new era of self-determination within the Hemisphere that is timely and greatly needed. Without belaboring the point, I would predict that if the results today demonstrate that less than 57% of the voters are in favor of President Chavez's reforms to the constitution - there will be riots and protest and at the end it will be known that our State Department and international institutions are behind such uprisings and the USA will not recognize the election as a fair process. If Chavez secures more than 61% of the voters who are in favor of the reforms, then there still will be riots and protest but the public will know it is a minority within Venezuela that has seen its final opportunity to stop the development of 21 Century Socialism. It will be a clear indication that the people of Venezuela have spoken. Last year Chavez won his reelection with 63% of the vote, although the State Department was caught investing over 23 million tax dollars against Chavez. The global population must respect the desires of the Venezuelan people and help them assure the present US Bush administration stop interfering and sabotaging the process of participatory democracy taking place throughout Latin America.
Few of us have the energy, time and desire to be informed, gain understanding and knowledge of the history of Latin America and the decades of intervention, abuse and injustice the US government has imposed on these countries. US political leaders and heads of our international institutions have acted on the interest of corporations and not in behalf of the American people. These modern corporate pirates have disenfranchised a people in their own land in the past. Today's yes vote in approving the reforms is a vote against the pirates and for a people who desire to participate fully and engage in self-determination. Something we Americans should learn to appreciate. I enjoy these moments when history makers are born and changes toward improving quality of life in the planet occurs.
The best to you and Keep the Revolution Moving Forward. Un Abrazo