Just the thought of someone tracking who you call or who calls you should give you a taste of being under military and oppressive rule. Even some dictatorships are better than the repetitive lies, coercion and bigotry we are witnessing in the USA. There are three types of people that have stood out throughout history as bringing about protest and then become nonconformist and dissidents to their government and country. Some more successful than others protest and develop ideas, processes and movements that generate change, for the most part to improve the quality of life for all.
The rebel is the first of these, who is against everything for the sake of being against something. They know something is wrong with the system, the process of governing, policing and in the inequalities of how the laws are made and administered. Yet the rebel has no plans, nothing to replace the present, no direction or even purpose, they are if anything usually very destructive. The radical in protest mode does know who the enemy is; they can define the cause and at times are the best explainers of whats going on, who is at fault and where the skeletons can be found. But more often the radical fails to plan thus provides no concrete option or convincing argument why they should lead the land. To my point, the Revolutionary knows with precision why the majority of the population is being oppressed, abused and lacks the basic human rights of freedom, privacy and equality in developing policy and being judge by law. The Revolutionary is not only the best explainer of their ideas, thoughts and best hopes, but details the historical process that has lead up to the present and expounds on options that will lead to a positive change in governing a people. Thus; we must be more like the Revolutionary. This is not a bad word; it is a process of raising consciousness, becoming aware, becoming educated and more importantly being a participant in society. Revolutionaries make change; replace entities for the sake of a better future and represent those without a voice, power and influence. Make change happen. Keep the Revolution Moving Forward.
And remember to fill up your gas tank with CITGO. Un abrazo, MUAH!!!!!!!!!!
3rd Annual Latin Jazz Concert - do not miss it.... June 4th - Sunday
The rebel is the first of these, who is against everything for the sake of being against something. They know something is wrong with the system, the process of governing, policing and in the inequalities of how the laws are made and administered. Yet the rebel has no plans, nothing to replace the present, no direction or even purpose, they are if anything usually very destructive. The radical in protest mode does know who the enemy is; they can define the cause and at times are the best explainers of whats going on, who is at fault and where the skeletons can be found. But more often the radical fails to plan thus provides no concrete option or convincing argument why they should lead the land. To my point, the Revolutionary knows with precision why the majority of the population is being oppressed, abused and lacks the basic human rights of freedom, privacy and equality in developing policy and being judge by law. The Revolutionary is not only the best explainer of their ideas, thoughts and best hopes, but details the historical process that has lead up to the present and expounds on options that will lead to a positive change in governing a people. Thus; we must be more like the Revolutionary. This is not a bad word; it is a process of raising consciousness, becoming aware, becoming educated and more importantly being a participant in society. Revolutionaries make change; replace entities for the sake of a better future and represent those without a voice, power and influence. Make change happen. Keep the Revolution Moving Forward.
And remember to fill up your gas tank with CITGO. Un abrazo, MUAH!!!!!!!!!!

3rd Annual Latin Jazz Concert - do not miss it.... June 4th - Sunday
This set is so incredibly natural for me.. everytime I look over the set of pictures its just soothing.. even for myself..
It's such a relaxed side of me, that not many people get to see!