Okay, I know that Skyrim has been out for a very long time now, but I just do not really play too many video games, and I JUST started to play it on PC! I am really wishing I had been playing it for the years that it has been out. Like, OMG! All of those freaking mods for it? The graphics on it as it was released (at least with the Legendary bundle that I am playing) are so freaking fantastic, but then people have made mods after mods, after mods...to make it even better?!! And, OMFG!! HOLY HUMPING HERMAPHRODITE HEDGEHOGS IN HEAT!!! There are nudity mods that gave my character a VERY detailed vagina! I wish there were mods like that in real life...I could use one of those right now, seriously...And a mod for erotic female voices....top it off with what other type of mod? A PROSTITUTION MOD!! Well, it is less prostitution and more or less just being one major slut, because I have been running my character around fucking just about everyone, and I have yet to actually get paid for my "services". Then again, at least I am not having to pay everyone my character had fucked...damn, I would be about as broke as I am now IRL...Because, well, I have been fucking damn near EVERYONE (excluding children and animals....or animal-people, and especially not animal-people-children...). I knew my character had some natural horse-back riding skills, but if those riding skills have not come in handy dandy dealing with all those guys....and girls (THEY EVEN HAVE STRAP-ONS, VIBRATORS, and DILDOS!!----> One of the strap-ons, one of the vibrators, and at least two of the dildos actually look JUST like the ones I have IRL!! OMG! THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!).....OMG....and the armor/clothing for women that they make....I soooooo want them IRL if they were even physically possible to make and/or wear, but if they could, I certainly would!
I apparently need to get laid...I know that it really hasn't been that long since I was last plucked in my back garden, but it is obvious that my rose needs more attention...It needs some of that fresh "Miracle Grow"...
*cough cough* No, my libido is not high right now, and...No, I am not easy *cough cough*
I think I should just keep fucking around in Skyrim, least I get my ass in some really big trouble (OMG, what I could say to that!!!....I am such a perverted little slu...)