I find myself just laying here in bed at the moment, and flipping through all my various photos that I have on SG and else where, thinking about how long I have been with SG, and thinking that it would certainly be quite neato if I was somehow able to be a SG myself. I do not think it will happen, but it would certainly be awesome. There has been very little activity in the posts about per-op/post-op transgender models in SG. I have been with SG since nearly the very beginning. I joined because I was absolutely enthralled by Jetta, and I wished that I could look like her, to be quite honest. But, I can never be her, nor come close to anyone of such beauty. I have come far just to look as I do look to this day, and I had to make many sacrifices to do so. I had escaped a previous life that would make the worse of nightmares seem like the most heavenly dream, had to go through several months of sobering up and detoxing that almost killed me, had to have many surgeries to fight and get over various illnesses and disorders, and had to go through basically losing my entire family and friends when I had begun my transitioning. I have gained new friends as I had transitioned, but all are online. I only have one friend from real life (maybe two, if he would actually follow through on seeing me when he makes plans to see me, but he has never followed through with any of his plans to see me). The ONE friend I do KNOW I have, I had originally met her on SG. In the past, I have been friends in life with a couple of other people from SG that were actually models in a few years past, but since I had moved, I have not seen them. I do love SG, and the one friend I do have, though I have not seen her for a good while, she is one of the few people that had treated me well. I know that there was at least one SG model that was a post-op TG, as I know friends that know her. I would love it if SG would allow both pre-op and post-op transgender women, such as myself, to model for SG and have out photo-sets posted on the website...allowing us to be welcomed into the SG family. I would love to model for SG as well; however, I do not think I am qualified material, even if pre-op TG's were allowed into the SG family. If you think That Pre-op/post-op TG women persons should be allowed on the SG site, and that you think I do qualify, and would like to see more of me than what is in my photo-section, please feel free to respond to this with your comments and support.

And i totally support you being a SG, your gorgeous.