I've made a decision... If my roommate isn't back by 9:00 this morning, I'm not going to have the cable service transferred to my name. I'm also not going to pay "my half" of the cable bill.
Background information:
My roommate cancelled the cable service without discussing it with me first. Our ISP is the cable company. I do web design and such, and I... Read More
oh boy, hehe. i won't comment on the last bit, but overall it seems like you should be looking for another apartment, she sounds pretty irritating. good luck.
So, my friend Susie had a birthday party last night. She was celebrating her 21st. w00t. 'Twas an interesting night.
I met a girl named Amanda. She was cute, and, as we were walking to one of the downtown bars (in the rain, I might add), she put her arm around me. Well, I did likewise to her. Then , as I was getting drinks... Read More
I have a girlfriend! Her name is Cari. We've only been on two dates, but they were extremely high quality dates. We have a ton of stuff in common. She's like a cute female version of me. And I met her over teh Internets! OkCupid, I love you.
For our first date, on Wednesday, we went to a cafe/restaurant. She couldn'1 decide... Read More
I lost my job today. I thought that I was supposed to be off today and working tomorrow, and it ended up being the other way around. Big goof on my part, eh? So now I'm looking for a job. In fact, I'm writing my resume right now, in HTML.
So, I used pathchouli oil as a cologne today... Then I went out for a... Read More
I've found that I get adopted by women a lot when I go out. It's kind of funny... The last three nights I've gone out (Thursday, Friday, Saturday), I've gotten adopted by at least one attractive woman. Thursday it was this girl named Annie, during a Powerman 5000 concert at Elixur. She bought me a Jager Bomb and a shoot, and gave me a ring.... Read More
I went to a conference in South Dakota. I just got back home today.
The conference was pretty fun. It was for LGBTAs (Lesbains, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgendereds, and Allies) in Midwestern colleges. I met some cool people from UW-Milwaukee, and we were hanging out the entire weekend. I got propositioned by one of the girls in that group. I turned her down, because I have... Read More
My girlfriend tried to break up with me on Wednesday. She couldn't do it, though. She also got jealous when I was taking my friend Sara to the mall...
Thursday, she called my office and told me that she wanted to talk. So I went to pick her up at work, and I started to feel jealous when I... Read More
Heheh couldn't help myself, sorry. At least things are looking up and you're getting some good poon in the process. As long as you can keep the focus on the good, life should be sweet.