So, let's start out with Memorial Day Weekend. The part I went to on that Saturday was busted up by the 50s, so we went to Steak and Shake, debated going about an hour out of town to where they had relocated, or going to someone's house, and we all decided to go home.
The following day, I had a nervous breakdown. I'm under a lot of stress. I have a huge video project to do. I like doing it, its just that it's a lot thats on my plate right now. A few of my friends have teh maturity level of high school kids, so that means high school drama. And, because I'm such a good friend, I listen to them bitch. One of my closest friends and one of my otehr friedns were dating for a while, and they broke up. It was messy. Well, they hate each other, and I get to listen to both of them bitch about each other (my close friend, Tyler, rarely bitches about Amber, the otehr friend). Amber bitches about Tyler constantly, it seems. I liste to it and don't say anything. I told both of them that I will listen to them, but I refuse to take sides. They both seemed like they uderstood... Well, a few days ago, Amber wrote this in her MySpace journal:
okay i just give up!! today was a very crappy day for me it got better when i got to talk to paul! but i am fighting w/ everyone today~! Scottie i feel like hates me if i can't hang out w/ him and i don't want to hang with [my name here] right now b/c he still has close ties to tyler and i want nothing to do w/ that asshole. i get very annoyed with people that say one thing to my face then go do another thing . bascially what [my name here] did! there are other people who did the same crap it is not just him he is the focus b/c he came into veiw the past couple i avoid that and it helps me from yelling! only 4 more days til paul comes home and i can not wait! i am hoping everything goes smoothly. i just really need to relieve some stress but i have no outlet to do it in besides yelling and screaming and that gets us no where. i just try to keep smiling and think of paul and his sexy body and other things about him that i miss but will not go into in detail.LOL well i need to go find something to do! Peace Out
Now, you want to know what I did? I said I would hang out with her and someone else at Steak and Shake, but then I remembered, right as I was about to leave, that I had already made plans. So I called her and told her that I couldn't make it and I had made plans with someone else previously.
So, anyhow, here is what I wrote in an e-mail:
I didn't say one thing to your face and then do something else. I said that I would hang out at Steak and Shake, and then, as I was about to leave, a reminder popped up on my calendar that said I was supposed to hang out with my friend Jessica, in Pec. If I have a scheduling conflict, I always will go with what was scheduled first. If I scheduled time to hang out with you, then forgot about it, and then Tyler wanted to do something at the same time, my calendar reminder would pop up and I would tell him that I can't do anything. I am not into blowing people off.
Also, please don't make me choose sides. I knew Tyler before I started going to Rock Valley, and my friendship with him is independent of my friendship with you. I try not to talk about him around you. In fact, I hardly ever talk about him around you. I don't see how hanging out with me is going to amount to you having anything to do with him. Saying that you can't hang out with me because I am relatively close with Tyler is basically saying that I can't be his friend and yours, too. Please don't do that to me.
Also, I'm sorry about not calling I have never called people to hang out because then I feel as if it is my obligation to come up with something to do, and I usually can't think of anything. Plus, I usually have work to do that I want to finish before I call anyone. Not only that, but I had misplaced your phone number and I had just managed to find it on Sunday when I called you.
Now, most people who have hung out with me for a while know that I hate choosing sides in drama between friends, but, if one party forces me to choose sides, I will not choose theirs. I feel that, if you're immature enough to try to dictate who I can and can't hang out with, you aren't worthy of my friendship anyway.
So, anyhow, I went bowling, like usual, this Thursday, and Amber didn't say one word to me. I felt awkward and ostracized. So I think she's forced my hand. I'm so pissed off right now that I really want to send her an e-mail that says, "Fuck you, you fire-breathing cunt." But I won't. I'll just get passive aggressive and manipulative on her ass. There is no fucking way she is going to turn me into the bad guy (which is what she did to Tyler, by the way).
So, yeah. Drama. I fucking hate it. I do not need this shit.