I got to hear her sing today. It was honestly one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. Of course, I am a little biased. She told me that she is going to petition to be moved up to the next stage of her treatment, which means that she'll be able to have friends. This means that I'll be able to take her out to movies and dinner and stuff like that. I can't wait.
After the service was finished at her church, I talked with the people who run the church and I mentioned that I'm a techie. I offerd to run tech for them. They asked me how much I wanted for it, and I told them that I would do it for free. I never charge nonprofit organizations for my services, because I don't offer them to organizations I disagree with. You've all read the FAQ on this site, where it talks about John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty", right? Well, here is what Missy and the gang said anyway:
9.03 I think America deserved 9/11. I think black people are stupid. I think the Jews are trying to take over the world. Can I espouse those viewpoints on your site?
No you can't. Freedom of Speech does not apply to posting on SuicideGirls. We are a private club and may remove you as a member of our club for any number of idiotic statements, including but not limited to: sexist statements, racist statements, conspiracy theories, hurtful remarks, threats of violence, demands upon the staff or members, delibrate lieing, attacks upon the staff, just good old fashioned idiocy.
If you think this rule in some way infringes upon your liberties or freedom of expression I suggest you read On Liberty by John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873), a critically important exploration on the ethics of tolerating opinions that you find repugnant and what a private citizen is obligated to do in the face of speech they disagree with. Mr. Mill suggests that private publications and people may not use the law to surpress other's opinions but they have no obligation to promote or associate with people who hold those opinions. Mill differentiates between not helping others find opinions of which you disapprove (which he thinks is acceptable) and actively working to prevent them from accessing those opinions in other publications, mediums or forums (which he condemns).
So, if PETA were to ask me to do animations or videos, or to run tect for an event in this area, I would tell them to go to hell, no matter how much they offered me. But if a nonprofit group whose opinion I disagree with, but feel they are entitled to, or whose opinion I agree with were to ask me that same question, I would do the work for free. For example, if OohMahNee Farm, an animal rights organization whose ideology I disagree with, were to ask me to help them run tech for an event they were doing, I would gladly do it for free. But, like I said before, if PETA were to ask me teh same question, I would tell them to go to hell. I find PETA's whole attitude, and their methods of spreading their ideology, to be repugnant. While OohMahNee Farm subscribes to the same ideology, I agree with how they try to spread it, so I will donate my time and talents to them.
Wow! Rabbit trail! Anyhow, I'm going to show the guys who run that church a video I made for another church, in order to show them some of what I can do. I need to expand my portfolio.
In other news, I had a wise idea. I am going to make a fake Mentos commercial. Some guy is going to bump into another guy in a school hallway or something, and the guy who got bumped into is going to sit in his room and brood, then pop a Mentos. He will then see either a gun or a scimitar (and I actually have a scimitar, so that will be easier to do), and bring it with him and hack away at the other guy. A cop is going to look at the kid and shake his head, and then the kid will pop another mentos, and hold the roll toward the camera. "Mentos, the Freshmaker!"
If anyone steals this idea, I will pop a Mentos and come up with a creative way to kill you. I swear to God.
[Edit: I am putting that idea on hold out of respect for the school shooting victims in Minnesota. Damn kids and their guns...]