Another entry. Working title:
Bill O'Reilly Is a Pompous Ass
I'm still a bit hung over. But I've been drinking assloads of water. I woke up an hour ago to find that my cat had decided to sleep on my legs.
I have two sets of friends. One group I see all the fucking time, because I go to school with them. The other group, not as much. The group I go to school with are the ones who have parties and drink and that kind of stuff (and I shouldn't be drinking. I'm going to be switching medications soon, and drinking isn't a good idea until I get used to whatever the hell my therapist is going to give me). The other group are the church people, and I don't see them all that often. I talk to them occasionally over whatever instant messenger service they use (I use Trillian). I will occasionally go to one of their things, but I usually smuggle alcohol in and spike my own drinks. I went to their New Year's Eve party and kept some Captain in my car. I would periodically go outside with my Coke and pour some Captain in it. I was pretty buzzed halfway through the night, and no one noticed. But that party was boring anyway. We watched a fucking movie. Jesus fucking Christ! That was a waste of gas (it was in Byron) and a waste of a night.
I just found pictures of my cat! I put them on Tripod for some inexplicable reason. I use that account for videos and shit, but I stuck three pictures of my cat up there. So, without further ado, here is Miss Cleo:
I took this with my camera phone,
One of the pictures of her that was on the Dane County Humane Society website.
Her other DCHS picture.
Yeah, I adopted her in Madison. Here's the story: I haev a friend who volunteers up there, and she told me about one of her cats, who she kidnapped from her abusive father. It was near death, and there was no way that they could save it at the Humane Society. I got my parents to agree to adopt it and get it treated, but, alas, the cat ended up dying anyway. I was alread plannning on going up there, so I went up there, decided to take a closer look at Miss Cleo (her name there was "Heather"), and I decided to adopt her. I went up there the next day with all my papers in order to prove that my parents own the house I live in, and that they have no problem with me owning a cat. I brought her homw, and, within a month, I had picked a name that was more suitable for her than "Heather". My mom said that she acts like a queen, so we should call her "Cleopatra". I said, "Hoiw about 'Miss Cleo'?", and my mom thought it was funny.
Yeah, this wasn't about Bill O'Reilly at all. So?
Bill O'Reilly Is a Pompous Ass
I'm still a bit hung over. But I've been drinking assloads of water. I woke up an hour ago to find that my cat had decided to sleep on my legs.
I have two sets of friends. One group I see all the fucking time, because I go to school with them. The other group, not as much. The group I go to school with are the ones who have parties and drink and that kind of stuff (and I shouldn't be drinking. I'm going to be switching medications soon, and drinking isn't a good idea until I get used to whatever the hell my therapist is going to give me). The other group are the church people, and I don't see them all that often. I talk to them occasionally over whatever instant messenger service they use (I use Trillian). I will occasionally go to one of their things, but I usually smuggle alcohol in and spike my own drinks. I went to their New Year's Eve party and kept some Captain in my car. I would periodically go outside with my Coke and pour some Captain in it. I was pretty buzzed halfway through the night, and no one noticed. But that party was boring anyway. We watched a fucking movie. Jesus fucking Christ! That was a waste of gas (it was in Byron) and a waste of a night.
I just found pictures of my cat! I put them on Tripod for some inexplicable reason. I use that account for videos and shit, but I stuck three pictures of my cat up there. So, without further ado, here is Miss Cleo:

I took this with my camera phone,

One of the pictures of her that was on the Dane County Humane Society website.

Her other DCHS picture.
Yeah, I adopted her in Madison. Here's the story: I haev a friend who volunteers up there, and she told me about one of her cats, who she kidnapped from her abusive father. It was near death, and there was no way that they could save it at the Humane Society. I got my parents to agree to adopt it and get it treated, but, alas, the cat ended up dying anyway. I was alread plannning on going up there, so I went up there, decided to take a closer look at Miss Cleo (her name there was "Heather"), and I decided to adopt her. I went up there the next day with all my papers in order to prove that my parents own the house I live in, and that they have no problem with me owning a cat. I brought her homw, and, within a month, I had picked a name that was more suitable for her than "Heather". My mom said that she acts like a queen, so we should call her "Cleopatra". I said, "Hoiw about 'Miss Cleo'?", and my mom thought it was funny.
Yeah, this wasn't about Bill O'Reilly at all. So?