Le sigh... Another year bites the dust.
Interpret as you will.
Okay, so I have to give up my cat. The guy who owns the house I'm living in here doesn't want her knocking shit over (understandable), and my parents said they would keep her until I move to a place that will let me have her, but they won't let me see her whenever I want. I have a problem with this. Why? Because I have a bond with Miss Cleo. A bond that I wish to maintain if I am not going to transfer ownership.
Oh, and my parents can't have her because I am currently pissed off at them. They like to play favourites, and I haven't been their favourite for almost 21 years. I think one of the reasons why I am not assertive is because, almost every time my brother and I would fight, my parents would side with him. My brother is a certified asshole. I mean, there are very few people I know who I think I could kill with little to no remorse, and he's on that very short list. Sure, that sounds extreme, but consider this:
Just two weeks ago (or so) he told me that I should kill myself because no one wants me around. Now, I've been quite open about the fact that I suffer from chronic depression. I refuse to be medicated for it. The last time I was medicated for it, the medication made me into a zombie. Plus, I don't want to have to rely on medication my entire life. I need to learn how to handle my problems on my own, so I only take antidepressants if I have a particularly bad episode, which hasn't happened in over a year. How it usually works is I have a bad episode, I go seek help, and I get put on an antidepressant of some sort. I'll take it for a while, and then stop it once I've been stable for a while.
Telling me that I should kill myself because no one wants me around is as close to a sure-fire way of triggering an episode as you can get. I'm still distraught by it, and, sometimes, I think that my parents might agree with my brother's stated sentiment.
Maybe I'm just being emo because I'm sad about my cat. She was howling on the way to my parents' house, and it broke my heart. Then leaving her there broke it again. I love that cat.
Seriously, if you want her, and I know you and trust you, she's yours.

Interpret as you will.
Okay, so I have to give up my cat. The guy who owns the house I'm living in here doesn't want her knocking shit over (understandable), and my parents said they would keep her until I move to a place that will let me have her, but they won't let me see her whenever I want. I have a problem with this. Why? Because I have a bond with Miss Cleo. A bond that I wish to maintain if I am not going to transfer ownership.
Oh, and my parents can't have her because I am currently pissed off at them. They like to play favourites, and I haven't been their favourite for almost 21 years. I think one of the reasons why I am not assertive is because, almost every time my brother and I would fight, my parents would side with him. My brother is a certified asshole. I mean, there are very few people I know who I think I could kill with little to no remorse, and he's on that very short list. Sure, that sounds extreme, but consider this:
Just two weeks ago (or so) he told me that I should kill myself because no one wants me around. Now, I've been quite open about the fact that I suffer from chronic depression. I refuse to be medicated for it. The last time I was medicated for it, the medication made me into a zombie. Plus, I don't want to have to rely on medication my entire life. I need to learn how to handle my problems on my own, so I only take antidepressants if I have a particularly bad episode, which hasn't happened in over a year. How it usually works is I have a bad episode, I go seek help, and I get put on an antidepressant of some sort. I'll take it for a while, and then stop it once I've been stable for a while.
Telling me that I should kill myself because no one wants me around is as close to a sure-fire way of triggering an episode as you can get. I'm still distraught by it, and, sometimes, I think that my parents might agree with my brother's stated sentiment.
Maybe I'm just being emo because I'm sad about my cat. She was howling on the way to my parents' house, and it broke my heart. Then leaving her there broke it again. I love that cat.
Seriously, if you want her, and I know you and trust you, she's yours.
wait... he doesn't want her "knocking shit over"? what shit? what kind of excuse is that to not let someone have a cat? i can understand if they're worried about carpet being ruined, or furniture (if the place is furnished or something) getting clawed up, but knocking stuff over? that's lame, your brother is an asshole, and i hope you feel better.