I've found that I get adopted by women a lot when I go out. It's kind of funny... The last three nights I've gone out (Thursday, Friday, Saturday), I've gotten adopted by at least one attractive woman. Thursday it was this girl named Annie, during a Powerman 5000 concert at Elixur. She bought me a Jager Bomb and a shoot, and gave me a ring. She also gave me her number, without me having to ask her for it. In fact, I never even approached her to begin with. She stopped me as I was looking for someone else and complimented me on my corded blazer, and then bought me the Jager bomb. I drank it (it was really strong), and we talked for a little while. She put her ring on my finger (I can't remember why, of the topp of my head). She gave me her number, without me asking, and I told her that I'd call her in three days, because that was the rule. As the night wore on, we got to talking about sex, and I casually mentioned that I like giving head to a woman more than actual sex. She was like, "Wow! You know what? I love to recieve."
She got drunker as it got later, and was soon incapable of standing steadily, so I helped her stand, by placing an arm around her waist and leaning her on my shoulder. She asked me, while she was really drunk, if I could call her the next day. I told her that I would (and I did). We were supposed to hang out tonight, but she was really sick. Oh, well. She was fucking cool, though, and I'm going to party with her and some of her friends next weekend. If I can find a Mardi Gras party, I'll party with her on Mardi Gras, too...
Friday I went bar hopping. At Octane, I was adopted by an off duty waitress, but she had to go home, and I went to anotehr bar downtown shortly thereafter. After that, I went to Oscar's, and I was adopted by a group that had three very attractive women in it, and no guys. One of the girls heard that I do web design and video editing, and that I was on Geek Squad at Best Buy, and she said that she can probably hook me up with a job. She gave me her number and instructions on when to call. One of the other girls asked me to dance, so I did, and then it was time to leave.
Saturday, I spent most of the night talking to my friends Sara and Amanda, at Elixur. They both work there. Amanda was working the front entrance, and Sara was working the coat room. I went out and checked out the crowd a few times, and one of the other people I know, the head of security, gave me cards for two free drinks. So I had five martinis by the time the night was done. While there, I got adopted by some Serbian girls, who wanted to touch my hair (that's almost always how it starts). We started talking about how Americans are stupid and all that stuff, and I told them that I lived in Canada for a year, so I have a bit of a better perspective on the world that your typical American. They were impressed. Then they went out to dance and I lost them, so I went back to Sara and Amanda. Sara let me crash at her palce because, by the time the night was over, I had done three shots and five gin martinis, and my liver isn't functioning properly, so it doesn't take much to get me drunk.
Yes, I still have a girlfriend. I am planning on breaking up with her, a week after she gets back from Mexico, because of religious differences. I am not cheating on my girlfriend, because I will not have sex with any girl who adopts me at a bar until I am single again. Take Annie for example... I'd fuck Annie all night long, but not while I have a girlfriend. I had already decided to break up with my girlfriend when I had met Annie, so I did not feel bad about increasing the level of sexual tension a bit at the appropriate time, telling her things like how I love to bite and be bitten, I love it when the nails on my back draw blood, and I love to eat pussy. I won't do anything like that to her, though... Not until I'm single.
She got drunker as it got later, and was soon incapable of standing steadily, so I helped her stand, by placing an arm around her waist and leaning her on my shoulder. She asked me, while she was really drunk, if I could call her the next day. I told her that I would (and I did). We were supposed to hang out tonight, but she was really sick. Oh, well. She was fucking cool, though, and I'm going to party with her and some of her friends next weekend. If I can find a Mardi Gras party, I'll party with her on Mardi Gras, too...
Friday I went bar hopping. At Octane, I was adopted by an off duty waitress, but she had to go home, and I went to anotehr bar downtown shortly thereafter. After that, I went to Oscar's, and I was adopted by a group that had three very attractive women in it, and no guys. One of the girls heard that I do web design and video editing, and that I was on Geek Squad at Best Buy, and she said that she can probably hook me up with a job. She gave me her number and instructions on when to call. One of the other girls asked me to dance, so I did, and then it was time to leave.
Saturday, I spent most of the night talking to my friends Sara and Amanda, at Elixur. They both work there. Amanda was working the front entrance, and Sara was working the coat room. I went out and checked out the crowd a few times, and one of the other people I know, the head of security, gave me cards for two free drinks. So I had five martinis by the time the night was done. While there, I got adopted by some Serbian girls, who wanted to touch my hair (that's almost always how it starts). We started talking about how Americans are stupid and all that stuff, and I told them that I lived in Canada for a year, so I have a bit of a better perspective on the world that your typical American. They were impressed. Then they went out to dance and I lost them, so I went back to Sara and Amanda. Sara let me crash at her palce because, by the time the night was over, I had done three shots and five gin martinis, and my liver isn't functioning properly, so it doesn't take much to get me drunk.
Yes, I still have a girlfriend. I am planning on breaking up with her, a week after she gets back from Mexico, because of religious differences. I am not cheating on my girlfriend, because I will not have sex with any girl who adopts me at a bar until I am single again. Take Annie for example... I'd fuck Annie all night long, but not while I have a girlfriend. I had already decided to break up with my girlfriend when I had met Annie, so I did not feel bad about increasing the level of sexual tension a bit at the appropriate time, telling her things like how I love to bite and be bitten, I love it when the nails on my back draw blood, and I love to eat pussy. I won't do anything like that to her, though... Not until I'm single.
i took an online quiz recently that told you what religion you most identify with. i turned up 90% satanist, and have no problem with that