I shall start this with a mini tribute to an old classmate and aquaintance.
Mohammed Salman Hamdani, 23, New York, N.Y., USA
research technician, Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Rockefeller University
Confirmed dead, World Trade Center, at/in building
There was an article in The NY Post about him having something to do with it. Must have been a few days after the incident, and I was dumbfounded. He was such the all American kid from Bayside high school here in Queens who played for our football team, the Commodores and had a massive crush on my best friend. So hearing what had happened and the false accusations, made me just hate how the media works in order to sell newspapers.
This makes my heart feel heavy and I still cant fathom what had occurred and the loss. I remember my friend calling me, wailing..why wasnt she that nice to him?...why him?....it can't be true!...comforting her wasn't easy, I tried my best.
I had visited the site about 2 times and his name is set on the plaque. Still disillusioned but accepting now that he's in a better place still crushing on my pal.

Mohammed Salman Hamdani, 23, New York, N.Y., USA
research technician, Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Rockefeller University
Confirmed dead, World Trade Center, at/in building
There was an article in The NY Post about him having something to do with it. Must have been a few days after the incident, and I was dumbfounded. He was such the all American kid from Bayside high school here in Queens who played for our football team, the Commodores and had a massive crush on my best friend. So hearing what had happened and the false accusations, made me just hate how the media works in order to sell newspapers.
This makes my heart feel heavy and I still cant fathom what had occurred and the loss. I remember my friend calling me, wailing..why wasnt she that nice to him?...why him?....it can't be true!...comforting her wasn't easy, I tried my best.
I had visited the site about 2 times and his name is set on the plaque. Still disillusioned but accepting now that he's in a better place still crushing on my pal.

I'm sorry for your loss.

heh, yea, video chat will be a definite must